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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
Palmer Prize 2024 Roy C. Palmer Prize on Democracy, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law
N/A Chicago-Kent College of Law Jul 1, 2024
ECoD4EJ 2024 ECoD4EJ24 (European Capital of Democracy 2024/25)
Aug 8, 2023 - Aug 27, 2023 Vienna, Austria Jun 30, 2024 (Apr 30, 2024)
Feb 29, 2024 - Mar 1, 2024 Warsaw, Poland Feb 1, 2024 (Sep 30, 2024)
DemocrAI 2023 The 2nd International Workshop on Democracy and AI
Aug 20, 2023 - Aug 20, 2023 Macao May 26, 2023
CIVITAS Conference 2019 CIVITAS Conference: Christian Democratic People’s Parties and the Rise of Populism 1940s-2010s
Nov 21, 2019 - Nov 22, 2019 Nijmegen, The Netherlands Apr 15, 2019
IPP 2018 Internet, Policy and Politics 2018: Long Live Democracy?
Sep 20, 2018 - Sep 21, 2018 St Anne's College, University of Oxford Mar 12, 2018
Democracy in Education 2017 Democracy in Education - 2017 Comenius Association Meeting
Sep 19, 2017 - Sep 22, 2017 Bergamo (Italy) Aug 21, 2017
EtC 2017 Engaging the Contemporary 2017: Issues in Contemporary Political and Social Philosophy
Nov 16, 2017 - Nov 17, 2017 University of Malta Jun 30, 2017
SDD 2015 State and State Capacities, Democracy and Development
Nov 19, 2015 - Nov 19, 2015 Prague Oct 31, 2015
DEMOCRACY-NATION-STATE - 2016 Reconsidering Democracy and the Nation State in a Global Perspective (14-16 January 2016)
Jan 14, 2016 - Jan 16, 2016 Leiden Jul 1, 2015
Informal Politics 2014 Democracy, State and Informal Politics in Comparative Perspective
Nov 20, 2014 - Nov 20, 2014 Prague Oct 20, 2014
TM PoWi 2014 Workshop: Text Mining in der Politikwissenschaft
Sep 1, 2014 - Sep 4, 2014 Hamburg Mar 31, 2014
TSHOD 2009 Call for Chapter Proposals: The Secret History of Democracy
Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 2, 2009 Australia Apr 30, 2009 (Jan 5, 2009)
Pragmatism & Democracy 2010 Pragmatism & Democracy - special issue of Etica & Politica, 2, 2010
N/A N/A Apr 30, 2009
Scotocracy 2020 Scotocracy
Invitation 2021 Invited position.
LCIR 2019 International Conference on Digital Humanities: “The Democratisation of History”
May 18, 2019 - May 18, 2019 London, UK TBD
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