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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
FOCLASA 2017 15th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self-Adaptive Systems
Sep 4, 2017 - Sep 10, 2017 Trento, Italy Jun 9, 2017 (Jun 2, 2017)
ICE 2017 10th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
Jun 22, 2017 - Jun 22, 2017 Neuchâtel, Switzerland Apr 21, 2017 (Apr 18, 2017)
PLACES 2017 10th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software
Apr 29, 2017 - Apr 29, 2017 Uppsala, Sweden Feb 19, 2017 (Feb 12, 2017)
ACSD 2017 Application of Concurrency to System Design
Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 30, 2017 Zaragoza, Spain Jan 20, 2017 (Jan 13, 2017)
Petri Nets 2017 CFP 38th Int. Conf. on APPLICATIONS AND THEORY OF PETRI NETS AND CONCURRENCY (Petri nets 2017), Zaragoza, Spain, June 25-30, 2017
Jun 25, 2017 - Jun 25, 2017 Zaragoza, Spain Jan 15, 2017 (Jan 10, 2017)
ICATPN Workshops 2017 Call for Workshop Proposals - Petri Nets 2017
Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 27, 2017 Zaragoza Jun 15, 2016
DISC 2016 30th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing
Sep 26, 2016 - Sep 29, 2016 Paris May 10, 2016 (May 3, 2016)
ICE 2016 9th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
Jun 8, 2016 - Jun 9, 2016 Heraklion, Greece Apr 10, 2016 (Apr 3, 2016)
ACSD 2016 16th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design
Jun 19, 2016 - Jun 21, 2016 Toruń, Poland Jan 25, 2016 (Jan 12, 2016)
CPA 2015 Communicating Process Architectures (CPA) 2015
Aug 23, 2015 - Aug 26, 2015 School of Computing, University of Kent Jun 8, 2015
DISC 2015 The International Symposium on DIStributed Computing
Oct 7, 2015 - Oct 9, 2015 Tokyo, Japan May 15, 2015 (May 10, 2015)
ICE 2015 8th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
Jun 5, 2015 - Jun 5, 2015 Grenoble, France Mar 20, 2015 (Mar 18, 2015)
DISC 2014 International Symposium on Distributed Computing
Oct 12, 2014 - Oct 15, 2014 Austin, TX May 14, 2014 (May 9, 2014)
ACSD 2014 International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design
Jun 25, 2014 - Jun 27, 2014 Tunis, Tunisia Jan 17, 2014 (Jan 10, 2014)
PLACES 2014 Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and communication-cEntric Software
Apr 5, 2014 - Apr 13, 2014 Grenoble, France Dec 23, 2013 (Dec 16, 2013)
STVR-Special_Issue 2013 STVR Special Issue on Testing, Analysis and Debugging of Concurrent Programs
N/A N/A Apr 30, 2013
TGC 2013 8th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing
Aug 30, 2013 - Aug 31, 2013 Buenos Aires Apr 22, 2013 (Apr 15, 2013)
ICE 2014 7th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
Jun 3, 2013 - Jun 6, 2013 Berlin Mar 15, 2013 (Mar 12, 2013)
GSHI 2012 The International Workshop on the Growing Problems with Scalable Heterogeneous Infrastructures
Jul 10, 2012 - Jul 13, 2012 Madrid Mar 1, 2012
ACSD 2012 12th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design
Jun 27, 2012 - Jun 29, 2012 Hamburg, Germany Jan 20, 2012 (Jan 13, 2012)
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