Digital Economy

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
IIKI 2024 The 12th International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things
Dec 6, 2024 - Dec 8, 2024 Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan Sep 15, 2024
Expired CFPs
AMA 2024 International Conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2024
Dec 11, 2024 - Dec 12, 2024 Online Sep 2, 2024
CADE 2024 International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE)
Jun 24, 2024 - Jun 26, 2024 Venice, Italy Mar 15, 2024
AMA 2022 International Conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2022
Dec 14, 2022 - Dec 16, 2022 Virtual Oct 28, 2022
AIA 2022 Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants Minitrack HICSS 55
Jan 4, 2022 - Jan 7, 2022 Maui, USA Jun 15, 2021
HICSS 2022 Human-centricity in a Sustainable Digital Economy
Jan 4, 2022 - Jan 7, 2022 Hawaii, USA Jun 15, 2021
Handbook of DE 2020 Call for Chapters: Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship
N/A Global Mar 1, 2021 (Nov 1, 2020)
DETIPS 2020 The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security in the Digital Economy
Sep 18, 2020 - Sep 18, 2020 Virtual Event Jul 10, 2020
ICMTDE 2020 I. International Conference on Modern Trends on Digital Economy
Feb 13, 2020 - Feb 14, 2020 Azerbaijan Jan 10, 2020
GSOM EMC 2019 6th International GSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2019:Management in Digital Age
Oct 3, 2019 - Oct 5, 2019 Saint-Petersburg, Russia May 31, 2019
DTGS 2019 Digital Transformation & Global Society 2019
Jun 19, 2019 - Jun 21, 2019 St.Petersburg, Russia Jan 10, 2019
GSOM EMC 2018 5th International Research GSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2018
Oct 4, 2018 - Oct 6, 2018 St. Petersburg, Russia May 20, 2018
ABsummit 2017 Atlântico Business Summit
Sep 28, 2017 - Sep 28, 2017 Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal Jul 10, 2017 (Sep 1, 2017)
Feb 11, 2013 - Feb 12, 2013 Paris Aug 31, 2012
ICBDE 2010 International Conference on the Business and Digital Enterprises
Jul 22, 2010 - Jul 24, 2010 Bangalore Apr 1, 2010 (May 15, 2010)
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