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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
CMEP 2014 Fifth International Conference Social Communication in the Real and Virtual World
Nov 25, 2014 - Nov 27, 2014 Wroclaw, Poland Sep 15, 2014
ELC 2015 Fourth International Postgraduate Conference on Language and Cognition
Feb 4, 2015 - Feb 6, 2015 Vigo (Spain) Sep 10, 2014
ACSUS 2014 The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences and Sustainability
Dec 1, 2014 - Dec 3, 2014 Hiroshima, Japan Sep 8, 2014
PACLIC 2014 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computing
Dec 12, 2014 - Dec 14, 2014 Phuket, Thailand Aug 10, 2014
Aug 21, 2014 - Aug 22, 2014 Lublin, Poland Jun 30, 2014
WORLDS 2014 Workshop on Language Description and Sciences
Aug 8, 2014 - Aug 8, 2014 Agra, India Jun 30, 2014
Entrepalavras 2014 Entrepalavras: The linguistics journal of the Federal University of Ceara
N/A N/A Jun 30, 2014
AEQ 2014 CfPs: Academic Exchange Quarterly - Language: Education, Society and Profession
N/A N/A May 31, 2014
PARLAY 2014 Postgraduate and Academic Researchers in Linguistics at York 2014
Sep 12, 2014 - Sep 12, 2014 University of York, UK May 23, 2014
Language in Mind 2014 Studying language in mind: A multi-disciplinary approach to research methodology
Jun 4, 2014 - Jun 4, 2014 Birmingham, UK May 7, 2014
UTIC 2014 UAD TEFL International Conference 2014
Sep 17, 2014 - Sep 18, 2014 Yogyakarta Indonesia May 1, 2014
Celtic Days 2014 Celtic Days 2014 - Eastern Borders of Celtic Identity
Jun 13, 2014 - Jun 15, 2014 Zamość Apr 30, 2014
ICHSS 2014 2014 International Conference on Humanity and Social Science
Jun 29, 2014 - Jun 30, 2014 Guang zhou Apr 5, 2014
NPGLING 2015 10th Newcastle Upon Tyne Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics
Mar 20, 2015 - Mar 20, 2015 Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Mar 20, 2014
TALN - 2014 Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles
Jul 1, 2014 - Jul 4, 2014 Marseille, France Feb 20, 2014
LDL 2014 3rd Workshop on LINKED DATA IN LINGUISTICS: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing
May 27, 2014 - May 27, 2014 Reykjavik, Iceland Feb 16, 2014
LOOW 2014 Language in the Online & Offline World 4: The Latitude
May 27, 2014 - May 28, 2014 Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia Feb 10, 2014
CILC 2014 6th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics
May 22, 2014 - May 24, 2014 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Jan 27, 2014
LCM VI 2014 Language Culture and Mind VI
Jun 24, 2014 - Jun 26, 2014 Lublin, Poland Jan 20, 2014
YRW@LCM VI 2014 Young Researchers Workshop @ LCM VI
Jun 23, 2014 - Jun 23, 2014 Lublin, Poland Jan 20, 2014
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