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Expired CFPs
ICLC 2013 International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Jun 23, 2013 - Jun 28, 2013 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Nov 1, 2012
MIC Sorbonne 2012 New Standards for Language Studies, The 3rd International Interdisciplinary Workshop
Nov 15, 2012 - Nov 16, 2012 Paris Sep 30, 2012
ICIRFECS 2012 PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. Interdisciplinary Research- a key to the Future European Cultural Space
Nov 2, 2012 - Nov 4, 2012 Bucharest, Rosiori de Vede, Dambovita Sep 25, 2012 (Sep 5, 2012)
ILinC 2012 The 2012 Interdisciplinary Linguistics Conference
Nov 9, 2012 - Nov 10, 2012 Belfast Sep 15, 2012
LLSC 2012 Language and Linguistics Student Conference
Nov 3, 2012 - Nov 3, 2012 Edmond, OK Sep 3, 2012
AEQ - Language acquisition 2012 Academic Exchange Quarterly - Winter 2012 Volume 16, Issue 4, Second Language Aquisition and Pedagogy
N/A N/A Aug 31, 2012
S&P-ICL 2013 Semantics & Pragmatics at ICL 2013: Call for Abstracts
Jul 22, 2013 - Jul 27, 2013 Geneva, Switzerland Aug 15, 2012
ROCLING 2012 The 24th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
Sep 21, 2012 - Sep 22, 2012 ChungLi, Taiwan Aug 10, 2012
MONOMT 2012 AMTA 2012 Workshop on Monolingual Machine Translation
Oct 1, 2012 - Oct 1, 2012 San Diego, USA Aug 3, 2012
ISCICCA 2012 International Symposium of Chinese Interlanguage Corpus:Construction and Application
Aug 23, 2012 - Aug 25, 2012 Beijing Jul 31, 2012 (May 31, 2012)
MEDIT 2012 “MediterráneoS 2012”: International Conference of Junior Researchers in Mediterranean and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Nov 22, 2012 - Nov 23, 2012 Madrid, Spain Jul 22, 2012
Jan 22, 2013 - Jan 25, 2012 Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Jul 1, 2012
Register Revisited 2013 New Perspectives on Functional Text Variety in English
Jun 27, 2013 - Jun 29, 2013 Vechta, Germany Jun 29, 2012
GESS 2012 Gender in English Studies Symposium
Oct 19, 2012 - Oct 21, 2012 Szczecin, Poland May 15, 2012
ISCLS 2013 5th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium
Jan 3, 2013 - Jan 8, 2013 IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India May 10, 2012
LSA/ANS 2013 Linguistic Association of America and the American Name Society
Jan 3, 2013 - Jan 6, 2013 Boston, MASS Apr 15, 2012
ABC Studies 2012 American, British and Canadian Studies, the Journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of Romania
N/A N/A Apr 1, 2012
People's Web meets NLP 2012 ACL 2012 3rd Workshop 'The People's Web meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources and their Applications to NLP'
Jul 12, 2012 - Jul 13, 2012 Jeju, Republic of Korea Mar 18, 2012
LAW 2012 The 6th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Jul 12, 2012 - Jul 13, 2012 Jeju, Republic of Korea Mar 18, 2012
SMIAE 2012 Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments
Jul 12, 2012 - Jul 12, 2012 Jeju, Republic of Korea Mar 18, 2012
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