Sentiment Analysis

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
WISDOM 2018 7th KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining
Aug 20, 2018 - Aug 20, 2018 London, UK May 22, 2018
FiQA 2018 Challenge@WWW 2018: Financial Opinion Mining and Question Answering
Apr 23, 2018 - Apr 27, 2018 LYON, France Feb 4, 2018
ASC 2018 The 2nd International Workshop on Affective and Sentimental Computing
Jan 15, 2018 - Jan 15, 2018 Shanghai, China Nov 5, 2017
AffCon 2018 (UPDATED) AAAI Workshop on Affective Content Analysis
Feb 2, 2018 - Feb 3, 2018 New Orleans, USA Oct 30, 2017 (Oct 20, 2017)
SAIL CodeMixed 2017 Sentiment Analysis for Indian Languages (Code Mixed) Shared Task
Dec 18, 2017 - Dec 21, 2017 Jadavpur University Oct 15, 2017
BDA4CID 2017 2017 International Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Cyber Intelligence and Defense
Dec 11, 2017 - Dec 14, 2017 Boston, MA, USA Oct 10, 2017
WASA 2017 2nd International Workshop on Automatic Sentiment Analysis in the Wild @ ACII
Oct 23, 2017 - Oct 27, 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA Jul 17, 2017
WISDOM 2017 6th KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining
Aug 14, 2017 - Aug 14, 2017 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Jun 9, 2017
DTWSM 2017 The 4th International Workshop on Data, Text, Web, and Social Network Mining
Aug 21, 2017 - Aug 23, 2017 Helsinki, Finland May 15, 2017
IJMLC ASC SI 2017 Special issues on Affective and Sentimental Computing in International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (Deadline Extended to April 1st, 2017)
N/A N/A Apr 1, 2017
AIMSA Bangalore 2017 AI, Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis Applied to Financial Markets and Consumer Markets
Mar 8, 2017 - Mar 9, 2017 Bangalore India Jan 31, 2017
ASC 2017 The International Workshop on Affective and Sentimental Computing
Feb 13, 2017 - Feb 17, 2017 Jeju Island, Korean Nov 30, 2016
SAAIP 2016 4th Workshop on Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology
Jul 9, 2016 - Jul 9, 2016 IJCAI 2016, Hilton, New York City, USA Apr 22, 2016
ACM ToIT Affect and Interaction 2015 ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ToIT): Special Section on Affect and Interaction in Agent-based Systems and Social Media
N/A N/A Dec 15, 2015
JDILA 2015 Les Deuxièmes Journées Doctorales sur l’Ingénierie de la Langue Arabe / The Second National Doctoral Symposium On Arabic Language Engineering
Oct 28, 2015 - Oct 29, 2015 ENSA USMBA Fez Morocco Sep 6, 2015
SAIL 2015 First Shared task on Sentiment Analysis in Indian Languages (SAIL) Tweets @ MIKE 2015
Dec 9, 2015 - Dec 11, 2015 Hyderabad, India Jul 14, 2015
KONVENS 2014 12th KONVENS (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache / Conference on Natural Language Processing)
Oct 8, 2014 - Oct 10, 2014 Hildesheim, Germany May 9, 2014
ESWC14 Challenge 2014 Sentic Challenge
May 25, 2014 - May 29, 2014 Crete Mar 14, 2014
SENTIC 2014 Sentic Computing
N/A N/A Feb 15, 2014
AdSent 2013 The First Workshop on Internet Advertising Using Sentiment Analysis (AdSent 2013)
Dec 8, 2013 - Dec 8, 2013 Texas, Dallas Aug 18, 2013
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