Special Issue

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
NovelIQA 2024 Novel Approaches to Image Quality Assessment
Mar 1, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024 MDPI Journal of Imaging Oct 31, 2024
PJA Call for Guest Editors 2025 The Polish Journal of Aesthetics: Call for Special Issue Proposals and Guest Editor Recruitment
N/A N/A Dec 31, 2024
Expired CFPs
AFMAS 2024 Science of Computer Programming special issue on Advances in Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems
N/A N/A Jun 7, 2024
PJA Call for Guest Editors 2024 The Polish Journal of Aesthetics: Call for Special Issue Proposals and Guest Editor Recruitment
N/A N/A Dec 31, 2023
PJA Call for Guest Editors 2023 The Polish Journal of Aesthetics: Call for Special Issue Proposals and Guest Editor Recruitment
N/A N/A Jul 30, 2023
JEMI 2022 Call for papers: Weathering the Storm: Innovation-Driven Human Resource Management Practices
N/A N/A Sep 30, 2022 (Apr 15, 2022)
JSS SI on Test Automation 2021 Special Issue on “Test Automation: Trends, Benefits, and Costs” - Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier)
N/A N/A Mar 31, 2021
Special Issue: 21st Cent Novel 2020 Genre Special Topic Issue: The Big Ambitous Novel by 21st Century Women [NEW DEADLINE]
N/A N/A Apr 24, 2020
SI Dark Side 2020 Special Issue on Dark Side of Online Information Behavior
N/A N/A Jan 31, 2020
DEDA 2020 Special Issue on Data-Enabled Discovery for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
N/A N/A Dec 15, 2019
Special Issue A&DC IoT 2019 SENSORS (Q1) Special Issue: Algorithm and Distributed Computing for the Internet of Things
N/A N/A Apr 30, 2019
IJIS-IoTSec 2018 Springer IJIS Special Issue on IoT Security and Privacy
N/A N/A Oct 1, 2018
IJIS IoTSec 2018 Springer International Journal of Information Security Special Issue on IoT Security and Privacy
N/A N/A Oct 1, 2018
PERSONALDATA-UMUAI 2018 Special Issue on Harnessing personal tracking data for personalization and sense-making at User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal (UMUAI)
N/A N/A May 1, 2018 (Nov 15, 2017)
SI UER 2017 IET Biometrics Special issue on Unconstrained Ear Recognition
Jul 1, 2017 - Sep 1, 2017 Europe Sep 1, 2017
IEEE TAC Special Issue - Laughter 2016 Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing - Special Issue on Laughter Computing
N/A N/A Jul 29, 2016
MLRSIP 2016 Special Issue: Machine Learning Methods for Remote Sensing Image Processing (SCI Index)
N/A N/A Jun 1, 2016
SYNT 2014 Acta Informatica Special Issue on the 3rd Workshop on Synthesis
N/A N/A Mar 1, 2015
ACM ToIT: Intelligent Internet 2014 ACM ToIT Special Issue on the Intelligent Internet of Things
N/A N/A Oct 15, 2014
TIE-TII SS Intelligent Energy Systems 2014 IEEE TIE-TII: Joint Special Section on New Trends in Intelligent Energy Systems
N/A N/A Feb 28, 2014
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