SPLASH: ACM conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity



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All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
SPLASH 2021 Call For Contributions - SPLASH 2021: ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity
Oct 17, 2021 - Oct 22, 2021 Chicago, Illinois, USA TBD
SPLASH 2017 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity
Oct 22, 2017 - Oct 27, 2017 Vancouver, BC, Canada Apr 17, 2017 (Apr 13, 2017)
SPLASH 2016 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH)
Oct 30, 2016 - Nov 4, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands Mar 23, 2016
SPLASH 2015 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH'15)
Oct 25, 2015 - Oct 30, 2015 Pittsburgh, PA, USA Mar 25, 2015
SPLASH 2014 Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity
Oct 20, 2014 - Oct 24, 2014 Portland, OR, USA Mar 25, 2014
SPLASH 2013 Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity
Oct 26, 2013 - Oct 31, 2013 Indianapolis Mar 28, 2013 (Mar 22, 2013)
SPLASH 2012 Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity
Oct 19, 2012 - Oct 26, 2012 Portland, OR, USA Apr 13, 2012
SPLASH (OOPSLA) 2010 Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity.
Oct 10, 2010 - Oct 17, 2010 Reno, NV, USA Mar 25, 2010

Present CFP : 2021

Combined Call For Papers

ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
Software for Humanity (SPLASH'21)

October 17-22, 2021, Chicago, USA

Follow us on Twitter @splashcon
- Onward! Papers
-Onward! Essays
-Call For Posters
-Student Research Competition (SRC)
-Co-located events:
- Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)

The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH is now accepting submissions. We invite high-quality submissions describing original and unpublished work.

** OOPSLA Research Papers **
Papers that address any aspect of software development are welcome, including requirements, modelling, prototyping, design, implementation, generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, maintenance, reuse, replacement, and retirement of software systems. Papers may address these topics in a variety of ways, including new tools (such as languages, program analyses, and runtime systems), new techniques (such as methodologies, design processes, code organization approaches, and management techniques), and new evaluations (such as formalisms and proofs, corpora analyses, user studies, and surveys).

Submissions Due: 16 April 2021

** Onward! Research Papers **
Onward! is a premier multidisciplinary conference focused on everything to do with programming and software: including processes, methods, languages, communities, and applications. Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to ideas that are well-argued but not yet proven. We welcome different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming language and software engineering research.

Submissions Due: 8 May 2021

** Onward! Essays **
Onward! Essays conference is looking for clear and compelling pieces of writing about topics important to the software community construed broadly. An essay can be an exploration of a topic, its impact, or the circumstances of its creation; it can present a personal view of what is, explore a terrain, or lead the reader in an act of discovery; it can be a philosophical digression or a deep analysis. It can describe a personal journey, perhaps that by which the author reached an understanding of such a topic. The subject area should be interpreted broadly and can include the relationship of software to human endeavours, or its philosophical, sociological, psychological, historical, or anthropological underpinnings.

Submissions Due: 22 May 2021

** Workshops **

**** AGERE 2021 ****
The AGERE! workshop is aimed at focusing on programming systems, languages and applications based on actors, active/concurrent objects, agents and—more generally—on high-level programming paradigms which promote decentralized control in solving problems and developing software.
The workshop is intended to cover both the theory and the practice of design and programming, bringing together researchers working on models, languages and technologies, and practitioners developing real-world systems and applications.
Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** BCNC 2021 ****

The first international workshop on “Beyond Code: No Code,” (BCNC 2021) targets one of the most engaging topics currently spanning the software engineering community.The No Code movement is making its way through all industries, saving time, empowering workers, and creating new possibilities. No Code is changing the software industry by accelerating development and opening up opportunities for less tech-savvy individuals to create life-changing products.
BCNC 2021 brings together the best in the field to share their knowledge and expertise and raise that standard of what could be achieved. Industrial experts as well academics join to present the frontier and show us a glimpse of the future.

Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** CONFLANG 2021 ****
CONFLANG is a new workshop on the design, the usage and the tooling of configuration programming languages. CONFLANG aims at uniting language designers, industry practitioners and passionate hobbyists to share knowledge in any form. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Infrastructure and configuration code maintenance and evolution
- Specification learning and mining for configurations
- Infrastructure and Configuration testing and verification
- Infrastructure as Code and configuration repair
- New languages for configuration
- The application of language security and type theory to program configuration

While in-person presentations make sharing and interacting easier, please note that remote presentations are also considered due to the current health context.

Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** DSM’21 ****
Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) languages provide a viable and time-tested solution for continuing to raise the level of abstraction, and thus productivity, beyond coding, making systems and software development faster and easier.
In DSM, the models are constructed using concepts that represent things in the application domain, not concepts of a given programming language. The modeling language follows the domain abstractions and semantics, allowing developers to perceive themselves as working directly with domain concepts. Together with frameworks and platforms, DSM can automate a large portion of software production.
The goals of the workshop are to share experiences and demonstrate the DSM solutions that have been developed by both researchers and practitioners, identify research questions and continuing to build the community.

Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** HATRA 2021 ****
Programming language designers seek to provide strong tools to help developers reason about their programs. For example, the formal methods community seeks to enable developers to prove correctness properties of their code, and type system designers seek to exclude classes of undesirable behavior from programs. The security community creates tools to help developers achieve their security goals. In order to make these approaches as effective as possible for developers, recent work has integrated approaches from human-computer interaction research into programming language design.

This workshop brings together programming languages, software engineering, security, and human-computer interaction researchers to investigate methods for making languages that provide stronger safety properties more effective for programmers and software engineers.

Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** LIVE 2021 ****
Programming is cognitively demanding, and too difficult. LIVE is a workshop exploring new user interfaces that improve the immediacy, usability, and learnability of programming. Whereas PL research traditionally focuses on programs, LIVE focuses more on the activity of programming.
The LIVE 2021 workshop invites submissions of ideas for improving the immediacy, usability, and learnability of programming. Live programming gives the programmer immediate feedback on the behavior of a program as it is edited, replacing the edit-compile-debug cycle with a fluid programming experience. The best-known example of live programming is the spreadsheet, but there are many others.

Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** REBLS 2021 ****
Reactive programming and event-based programming are two closely related programming styles that are becoming ever more important with the advent of advanced HPC technology and the ever increasing requirement for our applications to run on the web or on collaborating mobile devices. A number of publications on middleware and language design — so-called reactive and event-based languages and systems (REBLS) — have already seen the light, but the field still raises several questions. For example, the interaction with mainstream language concepts is poorly understood, implementation technology is in its infancy and modularity mechanisms are almost totally lacking.

This workshop will gather researchers in reactive and event-based languages and systems. The goal of the workshop is to exchange new technical research results and to define better the field by coming up with taxonomies and overviews of the existing work.

Submissions due: 6 August 2021

**** VMIL 2021 ****
The concept of Virtual Machines is pervasive in the design and implementation of programming systems. Virtual Machines and the languages they implement are crucial in the specification, implementation and/or user-facing deployment of most programming technologies.
The VMIL workshop is a forum for researchers and cutting-edge practitioners in language virtual machines, the intermediate languages they use, and related issues.
Submissions due: 6 August 2021

** SPLASH Posters **

The SPLASH Posters track provides an excellent forum for authors to
present their recent or ongoing projects in an interactive setting, and
receive feedback from the community. We invite submissions covering any
aspect of programming, systems, languages and applications. The goal of
the poster session is to encourage and facilitate small groups of
individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact. It is
held early in the conference, to promote continued discussion among
interested parties.

Submissions due: 15 August 2021

** Student Research Competition **
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft Research, offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research to a panel of judges and conference attendees at SPLASH. The SRC provides visibility and exposes up-and-coming researchers to computer science research and the research community. This competition also gives students an opportunity to discuss their research with experts in their field, get feedback, and sharpen their communication and networking skills.
To participate in the competition, a student must submit a 2-page description of his or her original research project. The submitted project descriptions are peer-reviewed. Each student whose description is selected by a panel of reviewers is invited to attend the SRC competition at SPLASH and present their work. Winners of the SPLASH competition are invited to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals. Submit your work and take part in the ACM Student Research Competition at SPLASH 2021!
Submissions Due: 16 July 2021

** SPLASH-E **
SPLASH-E is a forum for educators to make connections between programming languages research and the ways we educate computer science students. We invite work that could improve or inform computer science educators, especially work that connects with introductory computer science courses, programming languages, compilers, software engineering, and other SPLASH-related topics. Educational tools, experience reports, and new curricula are all welcome.

Submissions Due: 16 July 2021

*** Co-Located Events ***

** Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS) **
The 19th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS). APLAS aims to stimulate programming language research by providing a forum for the presentation of the latest results and the exchange of ideas in programming languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia but is an international forum that serves the worldwide programming languages community. APLAS 2021 will be held online and co-located with SPLASH 2021.

Submissions Due: 16 June 2021

** Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) **
DLS is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and research on dynamic languages, their implementation, and applications. The influence of dynamic languages — from Lisp to Smalltalk to Python to JavaScript — on real-world practice and research, continues to grow. We invite high-quality papers reporting original research, innovative contributions, or experience related to dynamic languages, their implementation, and applications.

Submissions Due: 2 June 2021

** 20th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE) **
GPCE is a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques that use program generation, domain-specific languages, and component deployment to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative software, our goal is to foster further cross-fertilization between software engineering and the programming languages research communities.

Submissions Due: 5th July 2021

** The 28th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2021) **

Static analysis is widely recognized as a fundamental tool for program verification, bug detection, compiler optimization, program understanding, and software maintenance. The series of Static Analysis Symposia has served as the primary venue for the presentation of theoretical, practical, and application advances in the area.

Submissions Due: 25th April 2021

** 13th International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) **
SLE is the discipline of engineering languages and the tools required for the creation of software. It abstracts from the differences between programming languages, modelling languages, and other software languages, and emphasizes the engineering facet of the creation of such languages, that is, the establishment of the scientific methods and practices that enable the best results. SLE overlaps with traditional conferences on the design and implementation of programming languages, model-driven engineering, and compiler construction, and emphasizes the fusion of their communities.

Submissions Due: 21 June 2021

SPLASH Information:
SPLASH Early Registration Deadline: 17th September 2021
Website: https://2021.splashcon.org/

Organizing Committee SPLASH 2021:

SPLASH General Chair: Hridesh Rajan (Iowa State University)
OOPSLA Review Committee Chair: Sophia Drossopoulou (Imperial College London)
GPCE General Chair: Eli Tilevich (Virginia Tech)
GPCE Co-Chair: Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
GPCE Co-Chair: Erwan Bousse (University of Nantes)
SLE General Chair: Eelco Visser (Delft University of Technology)
SLE Program Co-Chair: Dimitris Kolovos (University of York)
SLE Program Co-Chair: Emma Söderberg (Lund University)
SLE Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair: Elias Castegren (KTH)
SLE Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair: Andreas Wortmann (RWTH Aachen University)
DLS Chair: Arjun Guha (Northeastern University)
Onward! Papers Chair: Wolfgang De Meuter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Onward! Essays Chair: Elisa Baniassad (University of British Columbia)
SPLASH-E Co-Chair: Charlie Curtsinger (Grinnell College)
SPLASH-E Co-Chair: Tien N. Nguyen (University of Texas at Dallas)
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair: Colin Gordon (Drexel University)
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair: Ana Milanova (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair: Anders Møller (Aarhus University)
Workshops Co-Chair: Mehdi Bagherzadeh (Oakland University)
Workshops Co-Chair: Raffi Khatchadourian (CUNY Hunter College)
Student Research Competition Co-Chair: Julia Rubin (University of British Columbia)
Publicity Chair: Juan Fumero (University of Manchester)
Web Chair: Rangeet Pan (Iowa State University)
Student Volunteer Co-Chair: Breno Dantas Cruz (Virginia Tech)
Student Volunteer Co-Chair: Samantha Syeda Khairunnesa (Iowa State University)
Sponsorship Co-Chair: Ganesha Upadhyaya (Harmony.one)
Poster Co-Chair: Christos Dimoulas (PLT @ Northwestern University)
Poster Co-Chair: Murali Krishna Ramanathan (Uber Technologies Inc.)
Publications Chair: Saba Alimadadi (Simon Fraser University)
Accessibility Chair: Sumon Biswas (Iowa State University, USA)

Related Resources

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SPLASH SRC 2024   SPLASH 2024 Student Research Competition
ICSS 2024   10th International Conference on Software Security
SLE 2025   1st CfP: SLE 2025 - 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering
VCOI 2024   International Conference on Vision and Computational Intelligence
ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
AME 2024   International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ACEPE 2024   2024 IEEE Asia Conference on Advances in Electrical and Power Engineering (ACEPE 2024) -Ei Compendex
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus