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Present CFP : 2014 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD) 2014
Dec 17-19, 2014, Hyderabad, India http://comad.in/comad2014 CALL FOR PAPERS For the last 25 years, COMAD has served as the premier international conference on data management in India. COMAD's scope includes all areas of data management including Database Management Systems, Web and Information Retrieval, Data Mining and Big Data Systems. COMAD'14 invites the submission of original research contributions as full papers and posters, as well as proposals for demonstrations, industrial presentations, tutorials, and panels. SUBMISSIONS RESEARCH PAPERS: If you have original research work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere, you can submit them as full-length research papers to COMAD'14. All full papers have to be submitted through the link provided below, with maximum of 12-pages adhering to the formatting guidelines given at: http://comad.in/comad2014/ POSTER PAPERS: If you are working on bleeding-edge research ideas, and the work is still in progress or it is a research that is best communicated through interactive mode, the poster track of COMAD'14 is for you. The poster track submissions are at most 4-pages in length, formatted using guidelines at: http://comad.in/comad2014/, and are to be submitted just like research papers. DEMONSTRATION PROPOSALS: If you have built a system and are keen to demonstrate it to all participants of COMAD'14, you can submit a 4-page demonstration proposal that outlines the system, its novelty and a plan of demonstration. INDUSTRIAL PROPOSALS: COMAD'14 strives to bring together the innovations in industry and the research community. The Industrial papers track covers innovative commercial data management systems, applications and database implementations, novel applications of database technology, and experience in applying recent research advances to real-world problems. Submissions to this track should not exceed 12-pages and must adhere to the formatting guidelines at:http://comad.in/comad2014/. TUTORIALS AND PANELS: We invite proposals for tutorials on all topics of potential interest to the COMAD attendees. The proposals should not exceed more than 4-pages in the standard formatting, and clearly indicate the target audience, duration (either 1.5 hours or 3 hours), in addition to the details of the topic. Similarly panel proposals should not exceed more than 4 pages, and should clearly state the topic of discussion in the panel, statement on the importance of the panel discussion, tentative list of panelists and the questions that will be posed to them, etc. For the first time, COMAD'14 also features a programming challenge to encourage the active participation of graduate and undergraduate students. The details of the programming contest will be circulated separately. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: Data Management Systems: * Big-Data management * Benchmarking and performance evaluation * Data exchange and integration * Database monitoring and tuning * Data privacy and security * Data quality, cleaning and lineage * Data warehousing * Managing uncertain, imprecise and inconsistent information * Multilingual data management * Novel data types * Parallel, distributed and cloud-based databases * Peer-to-peer data management * Personalized information systems * Storage and transaction management * New data management architectures (e.g., data stream management and cloud) Web and Information Retrieval: * Categorization, clustering, and filtering * Document representation and content analysis * Information extraction and summarization * IR theory, platform, evaluation * Question answering and cross-language IR * Web and IR * Social network analysis Data Mining: * Novel data mining algorithms and foundations * Innovative applications of data mining * Data mining and KDD systems and frameworks * Mining data streams and sensor data * Mining multi-media, graph, spatio-temporal and semi-structured data * Security and privacy in data mining * High performance and parallel/distributed data mining * Mining tera-/peta-scale data * Visual data mining and data visualization * Big Data analytics To ensure wide visibility for the material published at the conference, arrangements will be made with ACM SIGMOD for including the proceedings of the conference in the SIGMOD on-line archives. Two awards, for Best Paper and Best Student Paper, will be presented at the conference. IMPORTANT DATES Research Papers: August 11, 2014 Industrial Papers: August 11, 2014 Posters: August 29, 2014 Tutorial and Panel Proposals: August 29, 2014 Demo Proposals: August 29, 2014 Notification to Authors: September 29, 2014 Camera-ready Copies: October 20, 2014 Conference: December 17-19, 2014 PROCEEDINGS The proceedings will be published by the Computer Society of India (CSI) and will also be available as part of ACM online proceedings. The entries will be indexed by DBLP. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair Kamal Karlapalem, IIIT Hyderabad Program Chairs Srikanta Bedathur, IBM Research Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs-Research Industry Chair Srinivasan Seshadri, Zettata Tutorials & Panels Chair Sameep Mehta, IBM Research Poster & Demo Chair Manish Gupta, Microsoft India Programming Challenge Chair Arnab Bhattacharya, IIT Kanpur Web & Proceedings Chair Satya Valluri, Oracle, USA Local Arrangements Chair P. Radhakrishna, Infosys, India PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be announced) Please see http://comad.in/comad2014 for further details including submission instructions and latest announcements. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||