IJCBS: International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing



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Event When Where Deadline
IJCBS 2009 The International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing
Aug 3, 2009 - Aug 6, 2009 Shanghai, China Feb 15, 2009

Present CFP : 2009

Bioinformatics: Bio-molecular and phylogenetic databases, bio-languages, interoperability in bio-databases, bio-ontology and data mining; identification and classification of genes; sequence search and alignment; protein structure prediction and molecular simulation; molecular evolution and phylogeny; functional genomics, proteomics; drug discovery; gene expression analysis; bioinformatics engineering; bio-data visualization; algorithms, modeling and simulation of bio-sets; biomarkers of toxicity; bio-imaging; signaling and computation, genetics and genomics.
Systems Biology: Modeling and simulation of biological processes, pathways, networks, pipelines, mathematical and quantitative models of cellular and multicellular systems, emergence of properties in complex biological systems, methods to predict biological network behavior from incomplete information, statistical modeling of biological data, prediction and validation, synthetic biological systems, high performance bio-computing, self-organization in living systems (cells, organisms, swarms, ecosystems, etc.), platforms for computational modeling of living systems (parallel, distributed, and multi-resolution simulation methods), differential, discrete and/or stochastic modeling-language frameworks, applications of systems biology towards understanding disease mechanisms, pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug target validation.
Intelligent Computing: Machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, agents, neural computing, kernel methods, evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence and optimization; feature selection/extraction; ensemble methods; manifold learning theory; artificial life and artificial immune systems; technology to develop artificial components, systematization methodology for intelligent systems, and scientific principles related to artificial life.

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