IPCC: International Professional Communication Conference



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Future:  Post a CFP for 2011 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
IPCC 2010 IEEE Professional Communication Conference
Jul 7, 2010 - Jul 9, 2010 Enschede, the Netherlands Nov 10, 2009
IPCC 2008 The 2008 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference
Jul 13, 2008 - Jul 16, 2008 Montreal, Canada Dec 15, 2007

Present CFP : 2010

Call for Proposals IPCC 2010

The IEEE Professional Communication Conference 2010 (IPCC 2010) will be held July 7-9, 2010 at the University of Twente, Enschede. The theme of the conference is

Communication in a Self-Service Society.

We invite proposals on the following topics:

- Self-Service
- Access and accessibility
- Web 2.0 for Technical Communicators
- Visualization of location, space and direction
- Engineering communication, communicating engineering.

We welcome proposals for the following types of presentations:

- Paper presentations
- Poster presentations
- Tutorials
- Workshops
- Media Showcase

For more information about the IEEE Professional Communication Society, the conference theme and threads, presentation formats and selection criteria, and for proposal submission, visit:

The proposal submission deadline is November 10, 2009. Proposals will be selected on the basis of blind peer review. Authors of accepted proposals will be invited to submit a paper for the conference proceedings.

IPCC conferences gather engineers and communication experts to discuss how engineers can contribute to better communication between humans, organizations and institutions, and how communication specialists can contribute to better communication about technology. You will find the brightest minds, the most innovative research, and the most stimulating discussions in the fields of technical and professional engineering communication at IPCC 2010. We invite you to submit your work, show your products, and join us for three inspiring days of presentations, exhibits, workshops, and special events.

Michael Steehouder, IPCC 2010 Conference chair
Thea van der Geest, IPCC 2010 Program chair

For specific questions and more information, email: ipcc2010@gw.utwente.nl

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