TLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications



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Event When Where Deadline
TLCA 2011 10th Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications
Jun 1, 2011 - Jun 3, 2011 Novi Sad Feb 2, 2011 (Jan 26, 2011)

Present CFP : 2011

TLCA 2011, 1-3 June 2011, Novi Sad

The 10th Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA
2011) is a forum for original research in the theory and applications
of typed lambda calculus, broadly construed. Suggested, but not
exclusive, list of topics for submission are:
* Proof-theory: formal reasoning based on type theory, linear
logic and proof nets, type-theoretic aspects of computational
* Semantics: game semantics, realisability, categorical and other models
* Types: dependent types, polymorphism, intersection types and
related approaches (union types, refinement / liquid types,
behavioural types), type inference, types in program analysis and
* Programming: foundational aspects of functional and
object-oriented programming, flow analysis of higher-type computation,
program equivalence (step-indexed, bisimulation and related methods)

Important Dates

26 January 2011: Submission of titles and short abstracts
2 February 2011, 23:00 Greenwich Mean Time: Strict deadline for
submission of 15-page full papers
23 March 2011: Notification of acceptance
3 April 2011: Camera-ready paper versions due

(The above dates are tentative, to be confirmed as soon as possible.)

Programme Committee Chair

* Luke Ong (Oxford, GB)

Programme Committee

* Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham)
* Stefano Berardi (University of Torino)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey)
* Giles Dowek (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
* Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad)
* Hugo Herbelin (INRIA, Paris)
* Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University)
* Ranjit Jhala (UC San Diego)
* Ralph Matthes (CNRS, IRIT)
* Ugo dal Lago (University of Bologna)
* Luke Ong (University of Oxford) (PC Chair)
* Rick Statman (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Tachio Terauchi (Tohoku University)
* Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College, London)

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