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ICPS 2022 : 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems


When May 24, 2022 - May 26, 2022
Where University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2022
Notification Due Mar 31, 2022
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2022

Call For Papers


5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2022)
24 - 26 May 2022, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

ICPS 2022 aims to provide a platform to share quality research and professional interactions for the development of sciences in regard to Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS). Industry experts, researchers and academics will share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthroughs, innovative solutions, research results, as well as initiatives related to industrial cyber-physical systems and their applications.

The conference will feature contributed and invited papers and Special Sessions, Tutorials, and an Industry Forum. A number of Special Sessions in leading IEEE journals such as TII, OJIES and JESTIE, elaborating conference topics will be generated after the event. Authors of accepted papers with a high review score will be invited to submit an improved/modified version of their papers for further consideration.

Conference topics include (but are not restricted to):

- ICPS Architectures: Industry Architectures, Industry Standards, RAMI 4.0, Industrial IoT.
- ICPS Engineering: Engineering Methods and Tools, Lifecycle Management, Integration, HMI, Safety, Engineering Systems of ICPS.
- ICPS Theory and Technologies: Core Technologies, Interoperability, Communication Networks, Connectivity OT/IT, Semantics, Control, Information Processing, Security, IoT/IoS, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Cloud-Fog Computing, Big/Smart Data, Security.
- ICPS Applications: Smart Manufacturing, Robotics, Smart Cities, Energy / Smart Grid, Smart Living, Smart Farming, Mobility, Water Management, Mining, Oil & Gas, Intelligent Enterprise, Smart Transportation, Internet of Underwater Things, Smart Medical Systems.
- ICPS Management and Ecosystems: Innovation Management, Innovation Ecosystems, Visions, Roadmaps, Industry Digitalization, Strategies & Markets, Entrepreneurship.
- ICPS Education and Social Aspects: Digital Society, Education, Lifelong ICPS Learning, ICPS Curricula, Future of Work, Social Aspects, Sustainability, Machine Ethics.

Special Sessions: Prospective participants of ICPS 2022 are encouraged to organize special sessions with focus areas under the conference topics.

Tutorials: Several tutorials are planned on the latest trends in industrial electronics and industrial informatics. Other Activities: In addition to technical tracks, complementary activities for the professional development of participants will include: Plenary Talks, an Industry Forum and Work in Progress Sessions.

PDF version of CFP can be downloaded from:
For further information, please visit

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