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MultiLingMine 2016 : 1st International Workshop on Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://events.dimes.unical.it/multilingmine/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
MultiLingMine 2016: 1st International Workshop on Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality
http://events.dimes.unical.it/multilingmine/ March 20, 2016 Padova, Italy Co-located with ECIR 2016 http://ecir2016.dei.unipd.it/ ************************************************************ MOTIVATIONS ==================== In the last few years the phenomenon of multilingual information overload has received significant attention due to the huge availability of information coded in many different languages. Recent statistics (http://www.internetlivestats.com/internet-users/#byregion) have reported that non-English contents represent more than half of the information available on the Internet. We have in fact witnessed a growing popularity of tools that are designed for collaboratively editing through contributors across the world, which has led to an increased demand for methods capable of effectively and efficiently searching, retrieving, managing and mining different language-written document collections. The multilingual information overload phenomenon introduces new challenges to modern information retrieval systems. By better searching, indexing, and organizing such rich and heterogeneous information, we can discover and exchange knowledge at a larger world-wide scale. However, since research on multilingual information is relatively young, important issues still remain, including: * how to define a translation-independent representation of the documents across many languages; * whether existing solutions for comparable corpora can be enhanced to generalize to multiple languages without depending on bilingual dictionaries or incurring bias in merging language-specific results; * how to profitably exploit knowledge bases to enable translation-independent preserving and unveiling of content semantics; * how to define proper indexing structures and multidimensional data structures to better capture the multi-topic and/or multi-aspect nature of the documents in a multilingual context; * how to detect duplicate or redundant information among different languages or, conversely, novelty in the produced information; * how to enrich and update multi-lingual knowledge bases from documents; * how to exploit multi-lingual knowledge bases for question answering; * how to extend topic modeling to deal with multi/cross-lingual documents; * how to evaluate and visualize retrieval and mining results. AIMS AND SCOPE ================================================================ The aim of this workshop, to be held in conjunction with the 2016 ECIR Conference, is to establish a venue to discuss research advances in cross-/multilingual related topics. A major objective of this workshop is to focus on research questions that have not been deeply investigated so far. In particular, we solicit contributions that aim to consider the following aspects: * Modeling: methods to develop suitable representations for multilingual corpora, possibly embedding information from different views/aspects, such as, e.g., tensor models and decompositions, word-to-vector models, statistical topic models, representational learning, etc. * Learning: any unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised approach in cross/multilingual contexts. * The use of knowledge bases to support the modeling, learning, or both stages of multilingual corpora analysis. * Emerging trends and applications, such as, e.g., cross-view cross-/multilingual IR, multilingual text mining in social networks, etc. The workshop will increase the visibility of the above research themes, and will also bridge closely related research fields such as information access, searching and ranking, information extraction, feature engineering, text mining. The workshop is mainly geared towards students, researchers and practitioners actively working on topics related to information retrieval, classification, clustering, indexing and modeling of multilingual corpora collections. As a (soft) prerequisite, the audience should be knowledgeable about basics on information retrieval and data mining. TOPICS OF INTEREST ====================== Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Multilingual/cross-lingual information access, web search, and ranking * Multilingual/cross-lingual relevance feedback * Multilingual/cross-lingual text summarization * Multilingual/cross-lingual question answering * Multilingual/cross-lingual relation extraction * Multilingual/cross-lingual information extraction * Multilingual/cross-lingual document indexing * Multilingual/cross-lingual topic modeling * Multi-view/Multimodal representation models for multilingual corpora and cross-lingual applications * Cross-view multi/cross-lingual information retrieval and document mining * Multilingual/cross-lingual classification and clustering * Probabilistic models for learning from multilingual corpora * Knowledge-based approaches to model and mine multilingual corpora * Social network analysis and mining for multilinguality/cross-linguality * Plagiarism detection for multilinguality/cross-linguality * Sentiment analysis for multilinguality/cross-linguality * Deep learning for multilinguality/cross-linguality * Novel validity criteria for cross-/multilingual retrieval and learning tasks * Novel paradigms for visualization of patterns mined in multilingual corpora * Emerging applications for multilingual/cross-lingual domains IMPORTANT DATES ================================================================ Submission deadline: January 25, 2016 Acceptance notification: February 22, 2016 Camera-ready deadline: March 10, 2016 Workshop day: March 20, 2016 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ================================================================ MultiLingMine 2016 solicits original research papers, including theoretical contributions, evaluation results, case studies, works in progress. All submissions must be written in English following Springer LNCS author guidelines and should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair, with maximum paper length of 10 pages. Papers can be accepted as either Short (6 pages) or Full (10 pages) contribution. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Please be aware of the fact that at least one author per paper is required to register for and attend the workshop to present the work. In case of no-show, the paper (even if accepted) will be deleted from the proceedings and from the program. Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=multilingmine2016. PROCEEDINGS PUBLICATION AND SPECIAL ISSUE ON JOURNAL ================================================================ Workshop proceedings will be deposited online in the CEUR workshop proceedings publication service (http://ceur-ws.org/), which assures that the published papers are permanently available and citable. Extended versions of a selection of accepted papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of a premier journal in the fields of interest of the workshop (e.g., Information Processing & Management, Journal of Natural Language Engineering (JNLE), Data & Knowledge Engineering). ORGANIZERS ================================================================ Salvatore Romeo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica, e Sistemistica (DIMES) Università della Calabria, Italy sromeo -at- dimes.unical.it Andrea Tagarelli Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica, e Sistemistica (DIMES) Università della Calabria, Italy andrea.tagarelli -at- unical.it Dino Ienco TETIS-LIRMM, Montpellier, France dino.ienco -at- irstea.fr Mathieu Roche TETIS-LIRMM, Montpellier, France mathieu.roche -at- cirad.fr Paolo Rosso Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain prosso -at- dsic.upv.es PROGRAM COMMITTEE ================================================================ Ahmet Aker, Univ. Sheffield, United Kingdom Rafael Banchs, I2R Singapore Martin Braschler, Zurich Univ. of Applied Sciences, Switzerland Philipp Cimiano, Bielefeld University, Germany Paul Clough, Univ. Sheffield, United Kingdom Andrea Esuli, ISTI-CNR, Italy Wei Gao, QCRI, Qatar Cyril Goutte, National Research Council, Canada Parth Gupta, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain Dunja Mladenic, Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate school, Slovenia Alejandro Moreo, ISTI-CNR, Italy Alessandro Moschitti, Univ. Trento, Italy; QCRI, Qatar Matteo Negri, FBK‚ Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Univ. Mannheim, Germany Achim Rettinger, Institute AIFB, Germany Philipp Sorg, Institute AIFB, Germany Ralf Steinberger, JRC in Ispra, Italy Marco Turchi, FBK‚ Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy Vasudeva Varma, IIIT Hyderabad, India Ivan Vulic, KU Leuven, Belgium _______________________________________________ |