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DTMBIO 2017 : 11th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO)


Conference Series : Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics
When Nov 10, 2017 - Nov 10, 2017
Where Singapore
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2017
Categories    bioinformatics   biomedical informatics   text-mining

Call For Papers

ACM 11th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics
(DTMBIO) November 10, 2017

In conjunction with ACM 26th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
Pan Pacific Singapore, November 6 – November 10, 2017

DTMBIO 17 organizers are pleased to announce that the eleventh DTMBIO will be held in conjunction with CIKM, one of the largest data and text mining conferences. While CIKM presents the state-of-the-art research in informatics with the primary focus on data and text mining, the main focus of DTMBIO is on biomedical and health informatics. DTMBIO delegates will bring forth interesting applications of up-to-date informatics in the context of biomedical research. This year, we are particularly interested in techniques and applications of Big Data Analytics to biomedical and clinical research problems.

Biological researchers face the current challenge of making effective use of the enormous amount of electronic biomedical data in order to better understand and explain complex biological systems. The biomedical data repositories include data in a wide variety of forms, including bibliographic information from electronic medical journals, gene expression data from microarray experiments, protein identification and quantification data from proteomics experiments, genomic sequences gathered by massively parallel sequencing, and patient healthcare records. The ability to automatically and effectively extract, integrate, understand and make use of information embedded in such heterogeneous – structured and unstructured – data remains a challenging task.

We invite the submission of papers that propose ways to address the variety of aspects involved in meeting this challenge.

Topic of Interest
The relevant topics include the following (but not limited to):
_ Biomedical and clinical text mining applications
_ Big bio- or clinical- data analytics
_ Integration of structured and unstructured resources for biomedical applications
_ Information extraction from biomedical and clinical corpora (published literature,
grey literature, EHRs, clinical trials, etc.)
_ Information retrieval from large biomedical data collections
_ Gene sequence annotation
_ Protein/RNA structure prediction
_ Medical Ontologies and Text Mining
_ Entity or Concept recognition in text with ontologies
_ Sequence and structural motifs
_ Modeling of biochemical pathways and biological networks
_ Image Mining in Medical and healthcare informatics
_ Data and text Mining solutions in biomedical informatics, for applications such as
drug development, system biology, biomedical working processes
_ Information integration for Data and Text Mining
_ Mining multi-relational data
_ Proposal and assessment of novel Text Mining (TM) evaluation strategies
_ Evaluation methods of biomedical applications, shared tasks

Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates (available in .

Full papers:
Submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Full papers may consist of up to eight pages. Full papers will be presented at the workshop.

Short papers:
DTMBIO 17 solicits short papers as well. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. Short papers will be presented at the workshop, and will be given four pages in the proceedings.

We solicit quality posters that describe previously published or unpublished work. Posters will be presented at the workshop. In the last DTMBIO, we had a session for a lightning talk (~5 mins) for each poster.

All papers (in PDF format) should be submitted to:

Selected full papers (~ 8 papers) will be invited for a special issue of BMC Bioinformatics.

Important Dates (subject to change)

Extended Paper Submission Due: July 31, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2017
Camera Ready: August 31, 2017

Workshop Chairs
General Co-Chair:
Doheon Lee, KAIST, Korea
Mark Stevenson, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

Program Co-Chairs:
Sangwoo Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
Pauline Ng, Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore

Publicity Chair:
Dokyun Na, Chung-Ang University, Korea

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