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S+SSPR 2012 : Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2012) and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2012)


When Nov 7, 2012 - Nov 9, 2012
Where Hiroshima, Japan
Submission Deadline Jul 13, 2012
Notification Due Aug 15, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 3, 2012
Categories    image processing   computer vision   pattern recognition   machine learning

Call For Papers

A satellite event of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2012,

Technical Committee 1 and Technical Committee 2 of International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) jointly with Special Interest Group of Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding of the Institute Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan (SIG-PRMU, IEICE) organize S+SSPR 2012. The workshop will be jointly hosted by Hiroshima University, Hokkaido University, and Tohoku University.

SSPR Topics

Structural Matching and Syntactic Method
Probabilistic and Stochastic Structural Models
Graphical Models and Graph-Based Models
Spectral Methods for Graph Based Representations
Kernel Methods for Structured Data
Structural Learning in Spatial or Spatio-Temporal Signals
SSPR Methods in Text, Document, Shape Image, Video and Multimedia Signal Analysis
Intelligent Sensing Systems
Novel Applications

SPR Topics

Multiple Classifiers and Large Margin Classifiers
Density Estimation and Model Selection
Ensemble Methods, Bayesian Methods and Kernel Methods
Independent Component Analysis and Compressed Representation
Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning
Linear and Non-linear Manifold Learning
Gaussian Processes
Dimensionality Reduction
Cluster Analysis
Data Visualization
Hybrid Methods
Comparative Studies
SPR Methods in Text, Document, Shape Image, Video and Multimedia Signal Analysis
Novel Applications


Atsushi Imiya
Mineichi Kudo
Georgy L. Gimel'farb
Keiji Yamada

Co-Program Chairs
Arjan Kuijper
Edwin Hancock
Shinichiro Omachi
Terry Windeatt

Local Organization
Tomoya Sakai
Yukihiko Yamashita
Ken-ichi Maeda
Takio Kurita
Toru Tamaki
Heitoh Zen
Kazuhiko Kawamoto
Yoshihiko Mochizuki

Submission policy
The review process is single blind as to fit with ICPR. We appreciate that because of the proximity of the ICPR deadline, authors will have a limited time to undertake the additional work to develop new papers for submission SSPR. We are happy to consider papers that report work that is partially overlapped with an ICPR submission provided that:
a) The SSPR papers contain at least 50% of additional material that is substantially different from the ICPR (or previously submitted) paper. This might include a) additional theory, proofs etc, b) additional experimentation or detailed comparison, c) deeper analysis. It does not include ephemeral or insubstantial material, such as additional literature review, discussion or bibliography.
b) The authors declare the existence of a related ICPR paper ID and title in the online submission system, and briefly summarize the differences in the comments box on submission.
If we detect substantially similar work that does not follow these guidelines, we will automatically reject it.

PDF in LNCS style 9 pages.Final camera-ready due of the accepted papers is 3rd September(midnight GMT).If the final paper would not be uploaded until 3rd September(midnight of GMT), the paper would not be contained in the final workshop proceedings volume from Springer-Verlag.

Important Dates
Submission deadline 6th July, 2012
Author notification 15th August, 2012
Camera-ready 3rd September, 2012
Workshop 7-9th November, 2012

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