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PLEASE 2012 : 3rd International Workshop on Product Line Approaches in Software Engineering


When Jun 4, 2012 - Jun 4, 2012
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline Feb 24, 2012
Notification Due Mar 19, 2012
Final Version Due Mar 27, 2012
Categories    software engineering   software product lines

Call For Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS (Extended Deadline)

3rd International Workshop on Product Line Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE 2012)

held in conjunction with
34rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012)

*** EXTENDED DEADLINE: February 24, 2012 ***

PDF version of the Call for Papers available at



Numerous companies develop and maintain families of related products. These products share a common set of features and a defined set of variations on those features that satisfy the specific needs of a particular market segment and are often referred to as software product lines.

Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) practices promote systematic software reuse by identifying and managing commonalities and variability across the whole product portfolio. By adopting SPLE practices organizations are able to achieve significant improvement in time-to-market and quality, reduce engineering and maintenance costs, portfolio size, and more. However, despite the proven benefits of SPLE, it is still in the early adopter stage. Impediments to SPLE adoption vary from organizational, governmental, and process issues to issues related to engineering tools, design and testing methodologies, and others.

To promote SPLE adoption in practice, the workshop aims to identify real-life industrial problems in the area of SPLE and establish ongoing interactions among software engineering practitioners and researchers from industry and academia. Our goal is to couple real-life industrial problems with concrete solutions developed by the SPLE community. As such, we seek concrete and well-illustrated descriptions of realistic problems, as well as concrete and exemplified solutions developed by the community. We also hope to encourage continued progress in collaborations that exemplify widespread adoption of SPLE.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
* Transforming software families into product lines; migration strategies towards product lines; extracting product line representations from legacy software artifacts.
* Design and implementation of sustainable software by applying product line techniques for strategic reuse.
* Sustainable long-term approaches for product lines; product line evolution and software configuration management.
* Non-functional properties and quality attributes in product line engineering.
* Product line engineering for very large, complex systems and system-of-systems.
* The application of domain specific languages in the production of products in the product line.
* Multi product lines; product lines of product lines.
* Software ecosystems and supply chains based on product lines; inter-organizational approaches to product lines.
* Intra-organizational approaches, practices, stimuli and measures of product portfolio development.
* Incremental and distributed development of product lines.
* Validation of product lines.



We plan to hold three sequential sessions during the workshop as specified below:
* 10 minutes introduction of each participant, both industrial and researchers (~ 1.5 hours)
* A "speed-dating" session, in which each industrial participant is engaged in a short time-limited discussion with each of the research participants (~ 3-4 hours)
* A brief wrap-up and launch session (~ 1 hours), which focusses on long-term collaboration based on the matches made in the speed-dating session



We invite papers (2-4 pages) that present either a concrete real-life industrial problem or a tangible solution for a concrete problem that relate to the adaption of SPLE. This potentially includes problem cases and solutions that have been published earlier, if they support the workshop objectives and answer the questions provided below. Papers should be in English and conform to the ICSE 2012 Guidelines available at

Papers should be submitted electronically at Accepted papers will be published in the ICSE 2012 electronic proceedings collection (handed out to participants at the conference) and on the workshop website (to allow preparation for the workshop and identification of potential “dates”). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the work at the workshop for the paper to be included in the workshop proceedings.

Submissions will be selected based on their relevance to the workshop topics and objectives. Specifically, submission should address the following questions:

* What is the problem/challenge that you are trying to solve?
* Demonstrate it on a concrete example.
* When would you consider the challenge resolved?
* How could the success be evaluated? Is there some key indicator which allows to asses the success?

* What is the problem/challenge that you solve?
* Demonstrate the solution on a concrete example.
* What are the solution’s benefits and limitations?
* Who could benefit from your approach?
* Was your approach evaluated? How?
* Is your approach based on a certain technology or scientific concept (e.g., model checking)? Please provide references.



Submission: February 24, 2012
Notification: March 19, 2012
Camera-ready: March 27, 2012
Workshop: June 4, 2012



* Martin Becker, Fraunhofer, Germany
* David Benavides, University of Seville, Spain
* Danilo Beuche, pure-systems, Germany
* Paulo Borba, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
* Eduardo Almeida, Federal Universidad da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
* Paul Clements, BigLever Software, USA
* Christoph Elsner, Siemens, Germany
* Paul Grünbacher, JKU Linz, Austria
* Øystein Haugen, SINTEF and University of Oslo, Norway
* Kyo-Chul Kang, POSTECH, South Korea
* Steve Livengood, Samsung Information System America, USA
* Dirk Muthig, Lufthansa Systems, Germany
* Klaus Pohl, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* Andreas Rummler, SAP Research, Germany
* Ina Schaefer, TU Braunschweig, Germany
* Doug Schmidt, SEI, USA
* Tim Trew, NDS, UK
* Markus Voelter, independent / itemis, Germany
* ...and the workshop organizers.

* Julia Rubin, IBM Research - Haifa, Israel
* Goetz Botterweck, Lero, Ireland
* Andreas Pleuss, Lero, Ireland
* David M. Weiss, Iowa State University, USA

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