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Creating_Making 2010 : 2010 Creating_Making Forum at the University of Oklahoma (REVISED DEADLINE)


When Nov 3, 2010 - Nov 5, 2010
Where Norman, OK
Submission Deadline May 14, 2010
Notification Due Jun 9, 2010
Final Version Due Sep 10, 2010
Categories    architecture   design   creativity   pedagogy

Call For Papers

The University of Oklahoma College of Architecture invites paper proposals for its 2010 Creating/Making Forum, which will be held in Norman, Oklahoma November 3 - 5, 2010. Abstracts are due May 14, 2010.

Please submit 400 word abstracts to Be sure to include an abstract title, your name, institution/affiliation, phone number, e-mail address, postal address, and a short biography (100-150 words) on the first page of your document.

To engender a broad range of discussions, we encourage paper proposals from graduate and undergraduate students, professionals at all stages within their careers, and scholars from a variety of disciplines. Papers may address contemporary or historical issues of creating and making within the realms of architecture, interior design, construction science, city and regional planning, landscape architecture, industrial design, engineering and other creative disciplines, such as fine arts, that impact our everyday lives.

The Creating/Making Forum is held in conjunction with the Fred Jones, Jr. Museum of Art’s “Bruce Goff: A Creative Mind” Exhibition (, and paper presentations will be given at this museum on the University of Oklahoma campus. Because of our College’s rich history of creative scholarship, as exemplified by the architectural and pedagogical work of Bruce Goff, submissions are encouraged, but not required, to explore topics such as: the re-purposing of materials, creating and making in a global economy, synthetic representation and its relationship to physical constructions, integrating geomorphism/biomimicry into the creative process, design responsibility, blurred disciplinary boundaries, teaching creativity, and creating/making and the professional world; as well as such questions as: What is making?; How important is the act of making to the notion of creativity?; What is the importance of empirical research to creating/making?

Notification of abstract acceptance will be e-mailed on July 9, 2010. Accepted papers must be submitted in full to the session chairs by September 10, 2010. Presenters must deliver their papers in-person at the conference in order to be published in the digital conference proceedings. Additionally, presentation of your paper at the conference ensures that it will be considered for inclusion in the University of Oklahoma College of Architecture’s forthcoming peer-reviewed publication in Spring 2011.

All presenters must pre-register for the conference by October 11, 2010. Those who have not registered will have their papers withdrawn. Conference registration will remain open for non-presenters through the opening of the conference.

Accommodations on the basis of disability are available by contacting (405) 325-7558
as soon as possible. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

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