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VVIoT 2019 : International Workshop on Verification and Validation of Internet of Things


When Apr 23, 2019 - Apr 23, 2019
Where Xian, China
Submission Deadline Jan 21, 2019
Notification Due Feb 1, 2019
Final Version Due Feb 15, 2019
Categories    software testing   IOT   verification   software engineering

Call For Papers

Second International Workshop on Verification and Validation of Internet of Things
23rd of April 2019, Xian - China
(co-located with ICST 2019)

Important dates

- Submission: 21st of January 2019
- Notification: 1st of February 2019
- Camera Ready: 15th of February 2019


Internet of Things (IoT) are unarguably considered as the next revolution of Internet. IoT are often viewed as a network of connected physical devices and systems capable of sensing and actuating the physical world, in addition to communicating with other devices and systems via information networks.
In the most sophisticated form, IoT must be capable of exhibiting self-* behaviors (e.g., self- configuration, self-healing, and self-adaption) in response to changes in the context of the physical environment without requiring any human intervention. The software is the key enabler for such flexibility and advanced features in IoT.
The tight integration of the cyber capabilities of the corresponding physical devices with the physical world brings novel verification and validation challenges.
The VVIoT workshop will be a forum for academics, industrial researchers, developers, and practitioners to discuss challenges and advances in Verification and Validation of Internet of Things.

Topics (not exhaustive)

- Testing techniques for IoT systems
- Fault Taxonomies for IoT systems
- Tools and infrastructures for IoT testing
- Simulation environments for IoT systems (e.g., how to simulate physical inputs from the environment)
- Unit, integration and system testing for IoT systems
- Model-based testing of IoT systems
- Test models for IoT systems
- IoT testing in several application domains (smart cities, e-health, smart buildings, transportation, industrial automation, etc.)
- Formal Verification techniques for IoT systems
- Testing as a service for IoT systems
- Testing heterogeneous IoT systems
- Testing time constrained IoT systems
- Extra-Functional testing of IoT systems including but not limited to Security, Privacy, Safety, and Robustness
- IoT middleware testing
- IoT infrastructure testing
- Test optimization including test minimization, prioritization, test selection for IoT Testing
- IoT interoperability testing
- Empirical evaluations on any of the above topics

Submission format

Three types of papers can be submitted to the workshop, in addition to European/National Projects Presentations:
- Full papers (10 pages): Full research reporting new ideas with proper validation. Papers reporting extensive empirical evaluations on the above-mentioned topics are also welcomed.
- Short papers (6 pages): Research in progress, tools, experience reports, new ideas, applications and lessons learned in industry.
- Extended Abstract (1-2 pages): Research in progress, tools, experience reports, new ideas, applications and lessons learned in industry.
- European/National Project presentations (in IoT testing verification and validation, e.g. H2020): An abstract for a presentation on a European, National, or International Project on the above mentioned-topics. Note that abstracts will not be published.

Submission link:

Related Resources

ICST 2025   International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ITCC 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Cloud Computing (ITCC 2025)-EI Compendex
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
IEEE BDAI 2025   IEEE--2025 the 8th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI 2025)
IEEE ICMLT 2025   IEEE--2025 10th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies (ICMLT 2025)
Integrating Embodied Intelligence and Io 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Advanced Intelligent Computation for Integrating Embodied Intelligence and IoT Systems
NLPA 2025   6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Applications
BDIOT--EI 2025   2025 9th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT 2025)
VLSIA 2025   11th International Conference on VLSI and Applications