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TSCF 2011 : TSCF 2011 Conference on the World Economic Crisis


When Nov 2, 2011 - Nov 5, 2011
Where Malta
Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2011
Categories    economics   social science   change management   risk management

Call For Papers

This conference is on the world economic crisis and its causes,consequences, and stakes for our societies. All the topics of the TSCF classification may be discussed at the conference. [Note: The TSCF classification is NOT a list of conference topics, but a list of all the topics that TSCF has addressed or may address in the future, in association with the TISR Model. It is analogous to classifications like the JEL classification, but much more encompassing and interdisciplinary]. This type of conference brings together scientists, policymakers, social workers and the widest possible public. The objective is to make progress on the understanding of these issues by shedding light on the societal and economic developments, and to draft innovative and practical responses. The Social Link Cycle is a line of conferences dedicated to the bond between people within society, and its contemporary crisis.

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