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MPREF 2018 : 11th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF)


When Feb 3, 2018 - Feb 3, 2018
Where New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 10, 2017
Notification Due Nov 20, 2017
Categories    computer science   artificial intelligence   social computing

Call For Papers


11th Multidisciplinary Workshop on
Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF)
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, during February 2-7, 2018
in conjunction with AAAI-18.

Preferences are a central concept of decision making. As preferences
are fundamental for the analysis of human choice behavior, they are
becoming of increasing importance for computational fields such as
artificial intelligence, databases, and human-computer interaction as
well as for their respective applications.

The workshop will provide a forum for presenting advances in
preference handling and for exchanging experiences between researchers
facing similar questions, but coming from different fields.

The workshop on Advances in Preference Handling addresses all
computational aspects of preference handling. This includes methods
for the elicitation, learning, modeling, representation, aggregation,
and management of preferences and for reasoning about preferences. The
workshop studies the usage of preferences in computational tasks from
decision making, database querying, web search, personalized
human-computer interaction, personalized recommender systems,
e-commerce, multi-agent systems, game theory, social choice,
combinatorial optimization, planning and robotics, automated problem
solving, perception and natural language understanding and other
computational tasks involving choices. The workshop seeks to improve
the overall understanding of and best methodologies for preferences in
order to realize their benefits in the multiplicity of tasks for which
they are used. Another important goal is to provide
cross-fertilization between the numerous sub-fields that work with

* Preference handling in artificial intelligence
* Preference handling in database systems
* Preference handling in multiagent systems
* Applications of preferences
* Preference elicitation
* Preference representation and modeling
* Properties and semantics of preferences
* Practical preferences

The program will consist of presentations of peer-reviewed papers, panel discussions
about future challenges, and an invited talk.

At least one author from each accepted paper must register for the
workshop. An attendance of approximately 40 people is expected.
All authors as well as researchers interested in the field are encouraged to participate.

Papers must be formatted according to
the AAAI Formatting Instructions and up to 7 pages in length + 1 page
for references in PDF format.
Authors can chose between an anonymized or non-anonymized submission.


Nov. 10, 2017: Workshop paper submission deadline.
Nov 20, 2017: Notification on workshop paper submissions.
Feb. 3, 2018: M-PREF'16 Workshop.


Kristen Brent Venable
Markus Endres
Nicholas Mattei
Andreas Pfandler


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