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IEEE WristSense 2018 : The 4th IEEE WristSense Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices.


When Mar 19, 2018 - Mar 19, 2018
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Nov 18, 2017
Notification Due Dec 23, 2017
Final Version Due Jan 12, 2018
Categories    sensing   wearables   pervasive computing   interaction

Call For Papers

WristSense 2018: Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices.
(Co-located with IEEE PerCom at Athens, Greece, March 19-23, 2018)

**DEADLINE EXTENDED: November 18th, 2017**

The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to share innovative ideas, discuss challenges, and brainstorm potential solutions to open research problems related to the domain of wrist worn smart devices. Using sensors, computation resources, and communication interfaces available on smart watches and smart bands, it is possible to capture information about the device user, perform computation to infer the user’s activities and their context, and communicate these to a smartphone or the cloud. These wrist worn smart devices represent a perfect platform to conduct research on human activity and behavior. They introduce opportunities for exploring new research problems, such as efficient classification and computation on the wearable device, offloading of computation from the user’s watch to the phone or the cloud, enhancement of user experience, smart notification management, physical activity sensing, behavior modeling, and data analysis.

- Co-located with IEEE PerCom at Athens, Greece, March 19-23, 2018
- Sponsored by Apple this year! Best Paper award winner gets an Apple Watch
- New NIH/NSF/ESF Panel to discuss establishing gold standard measures using wrist-worn sensors

We invite paper submissions in the following areas:
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of systems using wrist-based smart devices.
- Design and implementation of pervasive applications for wrist-worn smart devices and/or smartphones.
- Description of experiences in data collection and deployments using wrist-worn devices and/or smartphones.
- Feedback, notifications, and alerts using wrist-worn smart devices.
- User behavior analysis on data collected from wrist device and/or smartphones.
- User activity and context recognition using wrist-worn smart devices.
- Achieving energy efficiency and extending battery life of wearable devices.
- Efficient communication between wearable devices and smartphones.
- Privacy aspects related to data collection from wearable wrist-worn devices.
- Establishing wrist-worn based gold standard measures for health-related constructs.

The Apple award will be given to the best paper presented at the workshop to acknowledge and encourage excellence in research. The awardee will be presented with a certificate and an Apple watch at the workshop.

Due to participants' increased willingness to wear wrist-worn sensors, the wrist remains a major contender for tackling problems related to health and medicine. Currently physical and sedentary activity are the only constructs with acceptable gold standard passive sensing measures (e.g. Actigraph measuring MVPA and Actipal measuring types of sedentary activity). We aim to begin the discussion to change that. We have put together a unique panel discussion comprising key individuals across agencies such as National Institutes for Health / National Science Foundation in the U.S. and European Research Council / European Science Foundation in Europe surrounding "Defining Objective Gold Standard Measures for Health Outcomes." Our goal is to engage the research community in this important discussion, and perhaps identify a vision moving forward for technologist, behaviorist, engineers, and mHealth specialist.

Workshop paper submissions: November 18, 2017
Paper notification date: December 23, 2017
Camera ready: January 12, 2018

Submitted papers must be original contributions that are unpublished and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers should be no more than 6 pages in length and must adhere to IEEE PerCom workshop format (2-column, 10pt font), including references, figures and tables.

Nabil Alshurafa, Northwestern University IL, US.
Christos Efstratiou, University of Kent, UK.
Abhishek Mukherji, Cisco Inc., San Jose CA, US.

Ulf Blanke, ETH Zurich, CH.
Andrew T. Campbell, Dartmouth College, US.
Josiah Hester, Northwestern University, IL, US.
Kristof Van Laerhoven, University of Freiburg, DE.
Nicholas D. Lane, Bell Labs, UK.
Ilias Leontiadis, Telefonica Research, UK.
Archan Misra, Singapore Management University, SG.
Emmanuel Munguia Tapia, Accenture Inc., US.
Sougata Sen, Singapore Management University, SG.
Evan Welbourne, Amazon Inc., US.

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