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LLPH 2013 : 1st International Workshop of Lifelogging for Pervasive Health


When May 5, 2013 - May 5, 2013
Where Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline Mar 29, 2013
Notification Due Apr 12, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 19, 2013
Categories    lifelogging   health informatics   personal informatics

Call For Papers

“Lifelogging for pervasive health” – challenges of capturing, summarising, presenting, and retrieving relevant information from heterogeneous sources to support a new vision of pervasive personal health care. The goal of this workshop is to explore and understand the challenges and state-of-the art techniques in accessing relevant information from lifelogs and using this information to support personalised healthcare.

Topics of Interest

The aim of this one-day workshop is to foster discussion on issues related to the use of lifelogging technologies in the health domain. We invite regular and position papers as well as demonstrations (accompanied by descriptive papers) on relevant topics, including, but not limited to:

IR challenges of HDM archives (indexing and search)
Sensors to record new pieces of information about our lives e.g. biometric, environmental, or reporting on those who are around us
Multi-modal and Context Sensitive Retrieval to improve personal well being
Summarisation / re-telling of personal media data, e.g., to assist dementia patients
Case studies on the use of lifelogging technologies in the health domain
Structuring and organisation of personal media archives for browsing, search and retrieval
Techniques to successfully fuse heterogeneous sources of personal information


We invite researchers interested in these topics to submit a workshop paper (2-4 pages) using the IEEE format for papers. Please find detailed instructions on the Pervasive Health 2013 conference website. Papers should be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair submission page.

All accepted submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library and they will be included in the conference CD.

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