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New Public Diplomacy 2018 : New Public Diplomacy


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Dec 10, 2017
Submission Deadline Feb 2, 2018
Final Version Due Feb 2, 2018
Categories    public diplomacy   new public diplomacy   international relations   kinds of diplomacy

Call For Papers

The third issue of the Revista Chilena de Relaciones Internacionales will be completely dedicated to the New Public Diplomacy. Researchers from the areas of International Relations, International Studies, History, and Political Science are welcome to submit their original research articles, or reviews of academic texts, related to the proposed topic.

Since the rise of the New Public Diplomacy, in contraposition to the Traditional Public Diplomacy that sees directs relations only between states, academy has seen the emergence of a wider dimension in the international relations among states. This way, the incorporation of new actors in the world arena makes it unavoidable to ask about the course that the diplomatic technique has adopted, as well as the consequences of the new angles detected.

Academic literature available on the also called “Kinds of Diplomacy” are usually scarce in Spanish because most of the them have been analyzed and developed in Europe and North America. This issue seeks to expand the debate around very current topics such as business sport, digital, cultural, gastronomic, scientific, religious, ethnic, military, environmental, educational, humanitarian, citizen, celebrity, or sub-state diplomacies, among many others.

Research articles covering some of those topics, its roots, objectives, perspective, challenges, and opportunities will be accepted considering the new tendencies of the political communication, the different national interests, and the particular openness, transparency, and active participation that the citizens all over the world demand in all the governmental aspects, including Foreign Policy.

Abstracts’ submission date is inevitably due on December 10th, 2017; any document in a language other than Spanish, English, or Portuguese will not be considered. The complete article due date will be February 2nd, 2018, and the publication of the issue will be March 30th, 2018. Documents must be sent to cc in format .doc, .docx or .pdf. For further information about the authors’ guidelines, please see

Revista Chilena de Relaciones Internacionales ensures a process of peer review complying with the academic standards of blind review, without any discrimination regarding gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political ideology of the authors.

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