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ElisavaTDD 2018 : Temes de Disseny 34 - Material interactions in the human-made milieu


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Nov 29, 2017
Submission Deadline Mar 16, 2018
Categories    design   materials

Call For Papers

Temes de Disseny is a scientific publication born from the research anxiety and vocation of ELISAVA. Annually and since 1986, the centre makes the magazine available for the readers. The magazine addresses from an analytical perspective a great variety of subjects related to design’s connection with fields such as culture, communication, technology or economy from an analytical perspective.

The 34th issue of Temes de Disseny (TdD), which focuses on 'Material interactions in the human-made milieu', aims to bring experts from different disciplines to share their knowledge about design and materials, and how they think these can help us to understand our society and to deal with today’s global challenges.

This new issue of TdD aims to be the first step towards transforming this journal in an open access, peer reviewed, indexed journal that locals and foreign designers can use to share their knowledge at an international level. We call for papers (original journal articles, state-of-art reviews or design case studies) to gather knowledge regarding the following generic topics:

- materials and knowledge: How can we learn though materials? How can materials generate new knowledge? How can materials be used by students to learn?
- materials and society: How did material influence our societies and cultures? How will - materials influence our communities?
- materials and language: How do materials affect meaning? How do materials and their properties affect our perception of products that surround us?
- materials, sustainability and circular economy: How do materials influence our new sustainable business models, such as the circular economy? How important are the -
- materials for the sustainability of our future societies?
- materials and technology: Which are the new and future materials related technologies that will help the innovation driven design processes? How can material and technologies help design processes?
- materials and design processes: Which are the new methods and theories that mix materials and the design process?

Do you want to participate with an article?

Authors who aim to submit their manuscript should select a generic topic of this TdD special issue and send a brief abstract proposal (400 words maximum) to before November 29th, 2017.

Upon approval (December 4th), authors must submit their manuscript before March 16th, 2018.

Please find all the information about the special number, calendar and requirements in the Call for Authors and Guide for Authors, in the links below.

ELISAVA guarantees a wide diffusion of the content and the possibility of reaching academic agreements between the researcher and the center. If researchers want to receive more information or have any doubt about the publication, please contact with us sending an email to

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