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ANSS 2018 : Annual Simulation Symposium


Conference Series : Annual Simulation Symposium
When Apr 15, 2018 - Apr 18, 2018
Where Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Submission Deadline Dec 14, 2017
Notification Due Jan 12, 2018
Final Version Due Feb 23, 2018
Categories    modeling and simulation   cyber systems modeling   sensory augmentation

Call For Papers

The Annual Simulation Symposium is the oldest continuously operating simulation symposium in the Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS) and captures what makes M&S a discipline. 2018 marks the 50th year of ANSS. Since 1968, ANSS has been a forum to exchange ideas, research results, methods, techniques, and applications among simulationists from industry, government, and academia.

ANSS’18 will continue its tradition of presenting state-of-the-art papers and panels highlighting topics of interest to simulation researchers, practitioners, and users. In celebration of our 50th year, we are pleased to announce two special tracks for ANSS’18: Sensory Augmentation in Simulation and Cyber Systems M&S. We welcome proposals in any areas that may be of interest to simulationists and that generate new ideas and applications in simulation research. Below is a list of possible topics. We also welcome recommendations for panel topics and engaging high-level invited speakers with expertise in these or related areas.

Potential Topics
- Humanities, Social Science, & Philosophy
- Engineering, Science, & Education
- Critical Infrastructure
- Healthcare and Medical
- Military & Homeland Security
- Avionics
- Business and Industry
- Human Behavior
- Big Data and Simulation
- Verification & Validation Advances
- Conceptual Modeling and Simulation Design
- Simulation Interoperability
- Social Network Modeling
- Decision Support
- M&S Standardization
- Simulation Ontologies

Submission Guidelines
Original, high-quality technical papers are solicited for review, possible presentation, and subsequent publication in the conference proceedings. For further instructions, please refer to the Submission Instructions in the SCS Conference Proceedings Management System web site. Contributed papers are up to 12 pages long with single column format. They will be peer reviewed and – if accepted and presented at the conference – will be submitted to the ACM and IEEE Digital Library. Papers must not have appeared before (or be pending) in a journal or conference with published proceedings, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during SpringSim’18 review process. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the symposium and must present the paper at the symposium. For author guidelines on how to submit a paper please see

It is also possible to submit to the Work in Progress (WIP) or Posters tracks; more details will be announced on the website ( A submission may be rejected for paper presentation, but it may be suggested for submission and presentation as a work in progress or poster. At least one author must register and present the WIP/poster at the symposium.

General Chair of ANSS’18: Erika Frydenlund,
General Co-Chair of ANSS’18: Shafagh Jafer,
Program Chair of ANSS’18: Hamdi Kavak,

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