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COMMAD 2010 : Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials & Devices


When Dec 12, 2010 - Dec 15, 2010
Where Canberra, Australia
Submission Deadline Jul 9, 2010
Notification Due Aug 31, 2010
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2010
Categories    optoelectronic   microelectronic   materials   devices

Call For Papers

The conference topics will cover the following:
Technologies and Theories for Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Photonics

* Epitaxy, bulk growth, substrates, optical fibres
* Artificial structured materials
* Nanostructure fabrication of novel materials systems, such as self-organised quantum dots, nanowires, metamaterials and optical fibres
* THz and ultrafast phenomena
* Electronic, optical and magnetic material properties and characterisation

Electron Devices and Systems

* Heterostructure transistors, high-speed devices and integrated circuits
* High power and high temperature semiconductor devices
* Sensors
* Spin injection and novel devices
* Micro/Nano-Electromechanical Systems
* Nanoelectronics

Optoelectronic/Photonic Devices and Systems

* Semiconductor LEDs and lasers
* Detectors, modulators, switches
* Photonic bandgap structures and devices
* Plasmonic devices
* Devices for optical interconnection, OEICs
* Microwave and THz Photonics
* Nanophotonics
* Solar cells
* Fibre-based devices

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