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SPIDA 2018 : Workshop on Security Protocol Implementations: Development and Analysis


When Apr 23, 2018 - Apr 23, 2018
Where London, United Kongdom
Abstract Registration Due Jan 8, 2018
Submission Deadline Jan 12, 2018
Notification Due Feb 5, 2018
Final Version Due Feb 23, 2018
Categories    security   security protocols

Call For Papers

Workshop on Security Protocol Implementations: Development and Analysis (SPIDA)
23 April 2018 - London, United Kingdom
co-located to IEEE EuroS&P 2018 -


Security protocols (such as TLS for internet, WPA2 for WiFi, GSM for mobile telephony, to mention just some of the broadly used ones) play a crucial role in protecting the digital communications and interactions we rely on in our modern society. The security of such protocols can break because of fundamental, inherent flaws, but the bulk of the security flaws are due to implementation flaws. The complexity and unclarity of typical protocol specifications makes it more likely to introduce such flaws and makes it harder to spot them. SPIDA seeks novel contributions and case studies that address the challenges when implementing security protocols. How can implementations be analysed, statically or dynamically, in a systematic way? How can we make sure that the specifications are precise, but still easy to understand and implement correctly? And how to assure implementations faithfully follow such specifications?

The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting novel research results to tackle this issue. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Formal verification of code
- Software engineering approaches to go from specifications to implementations
- Protocol reverse engineering
- LangSec approaches to security protocols
- Fuzzing techniques, e.g. evolutionary or white-box fuzzing
- State machine inference
- Symbolic execution
- Model-based testing of protocol implementations
- Methods and languages to write rigorous protocol specifications

Papers should be submitted through the submission web site at Each accepted paper must be presented by an author, who will have to be registered by the early-bird registration deadline. The workshop will accept regular submissions (at most 10 pages in the IEEE double-column format, including bibliography), as well as short submissions of up to 4 pages for results that are preliminary and/or work in progress. Authors must submit an extended abstract prior to the paper submission.

Important dates:
- Abstract deadline: 8 January 2018
- Paper deadline: 12 January 2018
- Notification: 5 February 2018
- Camera-ready submission: 23 February 2018
- Workshop: 23 April 2018

Organising committee:
- Mathy Vanhoef, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Joeri de Ruiter, Radboud University, The Netherlands

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