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IPCO 2020 : Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization


Conference Series : Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
When Jun 8, 2020 - Jun 10, 2020
Where London
Submission Deadline Nov 29, 2019
Categories    integer programming   combinatorial optimization

Call For Papers

The IPCO conference is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on various aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The aim is to present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications. The scope of IPCO is viewed in a broad sense, to include algorithmic and structural results in integer programming and combinatorial optimization as well as revealing computational studies and novel applications of discrete optimization to practical problems.

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of their recent work by November 29, 2019 (23:59 EST); see the submission guidelines below for more information. The Program Committee will select the papers to be presented on the basis of the submitted extended abstracts. Contributions are expected to be original, unpublished and not submitted to journals or conferences with proceedings before the notification date (January 31, 2020). Papers violating these requirements will not be considered by the Program Committee.

During the conference, approximately 33 papers will be presented in single-track sessions. Each lecture will be 30 minutes long. The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. They will contain extended abstracts of all accepted submissions. It is expected that revised and extended versions will subsequently be submitted for publication in appropriate journals.
Best Paper Award

For the first time in its history, IPCO will present a Best Paper Award, to be chosen by the program committee.

Related Resources

IEEE CEC 2025   IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
IPCO 2025   The 26th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
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MCO 2025   Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences 2025
COCOA 2024   Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications
CPAIOR 2024   International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
ASPLOS 2025   The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
LION 2025   Learning and Intelligent Optimization
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