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ICIBM 2023 : The 11th International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2023)


When Jul 16, 2023 - Jul 19, 2023
Where Tampa, Florida, USA
Abstract Registration Due May 30, 2023
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2023
Notification Due May 12, 2023
Final Version Due Jul 10, 2023
Categories    bioinformaticas   machine learning   data science   biomedical informatics

Call For Papers

July 16-19, 2023
Tampa, Florida, USA

We are pleased to announce the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2023), which will take place in Tampa, FL, USA. ICIBM is a high-caliber conference that brings together eminent scholars with expertise in various fields of computational biology, systems biology, computational medicine, and experimentalists interested in the application of computational methods in biomedical studies. The purpose of the ICIBM is to provide a congenial atmosphere highly conducive to extensive discussion and networking. You are invited to submit papers and abstracts with unpublished, original work describing recent advances in all aspects of Bioinformatics, Intelligent Computing, Systems Biology, and Medical Informatics, including but not restricted to the following topics:


Genomics and genetics/epigenetics, including integrative & functional genomics, genome evolution, GWAS.
Next-generation sequencing data analysis, 3D genome.
Big data science including storage, analysis, modeling, visualization, and cloud.
Precision medicine, translational bioinformatics, and medical informatics.
Drug discovery, design, and re-purposing.
Proteomics, and protein structure prediction, function and interactions.
Single-cell sequencing data analysis.
Microbiome and Metagenomics.

Intelligent Computing and Data Science:

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data mining, knowledge discovery.
Natural language processing, literature mining, semantic ontology, and health informatics.
Neural computing, kernel methods, feature selection/extraction.
Evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence / optimization, ensemble methods.
Artificial life and artificial immune system.
Biomedical image analysis and processing.

Systems Biology:

Modeling and simulation of biological processes, pathways, networks, and interactomes.
Modeling of cellular and multi-cellular interaction systems.
Multi-dimensional omics data integration.
Synthetic biological systems.
Metabolomics, microbiome, and lipidomics.
Self-organization in living systems (cells, organisms, swarms, ecosystems, etc.).

Medical Informatics:

Cohort discovery, EHR-based phenotyping, Predictive Modeling.
Data quality assessment or validation.
Clinical decision support solutions.
Informatics to address disparities in health and health care.
Interoperability (e.g., ontology, terminology, standards, and others).
Machine learning for clinical applications, genome and phenome analysis/associations.
Mobile health and wearable devices.
Human-computer interaction and human factors.


Prospective authors are invited to submit unpublished work to ICIBM 2023. All papers and abstracts will be initially submitted through the EasyChair conference system (link on the website). Selected papers of the registered authors will be recommended to be published in special issues in the following journals, subject to additional editorial approval and expected additional review by each journal: Cancers (IF: 6.24), Genes (IF: 4.37), Chemistry & Biodiversity (IF: 2.74, no publication fee), Quantitative Biology (no publication fee), and Informatics (IF coming soon).


Conference participants are invited to submit abstracts to ICIBM 2023. The abstract submitted to the conference should be formatted using the abstract template provided on the conference website. The abstract body should be no more than 400 words. We welcome submissions of highlight papers that have been recently published or accepted for publication. In this case, the abstract should include a complete reference to the published paper. A group of experts will evaluate the submissions and select the abstracts to be presented orally or as a poster. Please submit your abstract through the EasyChair Conference System (link on the website).


The goal of the ICIBM 2023 Travel Award is to encourage the participation of young scientists in training, including graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, as well as postdoctoral fellows. Specific consideration will be given to qualified applicants from underrepresented populations, minority institutes, female trainees, or those who need special financial support to attend ICIBM 2023.

Deadline for original paper submission: March 01 (Wednesday), 2023
Notification to authors of papers: May 12 (Friday), 2023
Deadline for abstract submission: May 30, 2023
Conference early registration opens: June 1, 2023
Conference early registration deadline: June 20 (Tuesday), 2023
Deadline for travel award application: June 16 (Friday), 2023
Conference regular registration: June 21 – July 16, 2023

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