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STACS 2020 : LOPAL2020 - Special Track: Semantic Technology Applications in Current Society (STACS)


When Jun 23, 2020 - Jun 25, 2020
Where Córdoba
Submission Deadline Mar 29, 2020
Notification Due Apr 19, 2020
Final Version Due May 3, 2020
Categories    semantic web   ontology   knowledge representation   linked data

Call For Papers



LOPAL 2020 : Second International Conference on Learning and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications

Special Track: Semantic Technology Applications in Current Society (STACS)



Important dates

Paper submission deadline: March 29, 2020 (Extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance: April 19, 2020
Camera-ready due: May 3, 2020
LOPAL 2020: June 23-25, 2020

Special issues
LOPAL'2020 selected papers will have the opportunity of being published in Special Issues.


The Semantic Web provides a formal way to represent data easily interpretable by computers. It proposes an extremely simple data model to describe knowledge based on three elements only: subject, predicate and object. Besides, it gives a technologies stack to describe, integrate and query information semantically. This simple way of representing knowledge make it extremely versatile and applicable to any research area. Since Information Retrieval to Semantic Searches passing through Bioinformatics, eHealth, eAgriculture, eLearning, Automation Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, eCommerce, eGovernment, or even Social Networks.

Additionally, with the emergence of cutting-edge technology trends such as Big Data, Internet Of Things, Machine Learning or Cloud Computing, new methods and techniques to store, understand, manage and extract knowledge are required. In this sense, we have organized the Semantic Technology Applications in Current Society (STACS) special track with a broad scope to concretely study advanced Semantic and Knowledge-based methods and techniques and their applications in different research areas.

Topics of Interest

As we mentioned before, STACS has been organized to have an extensive scope. Hence, we invite contributions in the followings topics of interest, but are not restricted to:

* Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
* Semantic Web
* Ontology
* Knowledge Management
* Data Integration
* Semantic Services
* Smart Farming
* E-Agriculture
* Knowledge Acquisition
* Ontological Engineering
* Ontology Sharing and Reuse
* Ontology Matching and Alignment
* Ontology Learning and Population
* Semantic Web and Semantic Integration of heterogeneous data sources
* Semantic Interoperability
* Semantic Data Models
* Semantic Service-Oriented Architectures
* Knowledge-based Natural Language Processing
* Social Semantic Web
* Knowledge-based Decision Support Systems
* Knowledge-based recommender systems
* Linked Data Applications
* Industrial applications and Case-studies

LOPAL2020 - Special Track: Semantic Technology Applications in Current Society (STACS)

Submission guidelines
Each contribution must be prepared following the ACM format, and should not exceed the length of 6 (six) Letter-sized pages; the authors may use LaTeX or Microsoft Word templates when preparing their manuscripts.

Workshop Organizers

Dr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García
King Juan Carlos University, Spain

Prof. Dr. Francisco García-Sánchez
University of Murcia

Related Resources

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IPPR 2025   11th International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
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