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NYER 2018 : New York Economic Review Call for Papers and Special Issue Proposals


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    economics   finance   social sciences

Call For Papers

Call for Papers and Special Issue Proposals

Dear Colleagues,

The New York State Economics Association is proud to announce that the New York Economic Review has recently been re-established in Cabell’s Whitelist.

In celebration, the editorial board cordially invites all conference participants, NYSEA members, and interested parties to submit short papers, full manuscripts, replication studies, papers exploring null results, and literature reviews for consideration in the next issue of the NYER.

To re-invigorate the NYER, the editorial board welcomes complete proposals for special issues as well as suggestions for future special issues. Proposals for special issues should include a minimum of 3 papers on an organized theme. The proposal should include the theme, titles, and abstracts of all papers, and a proposed Guest Editor. The proposed theme is completely open, and is welcome to piggyback on the NYER’s rich history of research in pedagogy, sport economics, the economy in New York, etc.

Brief formatting requirements for the NYER can be found at To submit a manuscript or special issue for consideration, please send an email to with “NYER Submission” in the subject line along with the manuscript or proposal. We kindly ask all members to provide ideas for special issues at the following link:

We look forward to hearing about your research!


David Vitt, Editor, Farmingdale State College
Bríd Gleeson Hanna, Co-Editor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Cristian Sepulveda, Co-Editor, Farmingdale State College
Richard Weber, Co-Editor, Farmingdale State College

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