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RESEC 2018 : RESEC 2018: The 1st Radical and Experiential Security Workshop


When Jun 4, 2018 - Jun 4, 2018
Where Incheon, Korea
Submission Deadline Jan 29, 2018
Notification Due Mar 10, 2018
Final Version Due Mar 31, 2018
Categories    security   network   system security   network security

Call For Papers

# The 1st Radical and Experiential Security Workshop (RESEC 2018)

Held in conjunction with [The 13th ACM ASIA Conference on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2018)](

## The Focus:
The **RESEC** workshop focuses on practical security solutions and innovative work based on experiential studies, real datasets and deployed systems. In other words, the workshop will solicit papers that would typically fall through the cracks as too practice-focused for scientific conferences, and too theoretical for system administration forums.

RESEC invites the following types of studies from researchers, academics and practitioners:

**Experiential**: studies that share insightful or puzzling observations, lessons learned, challenges, deployment considerations, observed trends and phenomena, and even data collection studies that can facilitate research in cybersecurity.

**Radical ideas**: transformational, counter-intuitive and disruptive ideas that can re-shape the foundation of enterprise security, or provide a long-term vision and historical insights.

**Commercially-attractive**: studies and ideas that can provide or have already provided the seed for commercial, open-source products and services.

**Negative results**: studies that demonstrate and investigate the failure of methods and approaches, especially when seen through a practical lense, and the lessons learned from these failures.

## The Context:
There are many groups and entities that work on security from different perspectives: (a) academic researchers, (b) security practitioners, (c) entrepreneurs, (d) industrial researchers of companies, and (e) venture capitals (VC).

There is tremendous novelty, innovation, and experience that often goes to waste because it does not cross the boundaries of these groups. Clearly, there is a booming of the cybersecurity industry, high entrepreneurial activity, a dire need of effective solutions, and a dearth of security specialists in the job market.

## Topics of Interest:
RESEC invites submissions on all aspects of enterprise security including security risks, new security designs, in the context of enterprise environments. RESEC aims to bring together researchers in both industry and academia. RESEC particularly encourages collaborative research between research teams in industry and research groups in universities.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

1. IoT Security

2. Machine Learning in Security

3. Adversarial Machine Learning

4. Underground Economy Study

5. Foundations of Enterprise Security

6. Lessons learned from Failed Security Practices and Case Studies in Enterprises

7. Advanced persistent attacks (APT), Software Vulnerabilities, Design Flaws

8. Malware Analysis, Code Analysis, and Reverse Engineering

9. Mobile App Security and App Market Security

10. Web Security, DDOS, Botnet

The submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three program committee members. In alignment, with the spirit of the workshop, an effort will be made to include at least one academic researcher and one industry practitioner for every paper. The workshop organizers will make acceptance decision based on the reviews provided by the program committee members. COI will be carefully handled during the reviewing process.

## Organizing Committee:

* Zhi Xu (Palo Alto Networks, USA)
* Tao Xie (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)
* Xusheng Xiao (Case Western Reserve University, USA)
* Zhiyun Qian (University of California, Riverside, USA)
* Michalis Faloutsos (University of California, Riverside, USA)

## TPC members:

### Industry affiliated:
* Tao Wei (Baidu Chief Security Scientist, Visiting Professor at Peking University)
* Ling Huang (CEO/Founder,, adjunct professor at Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences in Tsinghua University)
* Xiaoning Li (Chief security architect, alibaba cloud)
* Bo Qu (Distinguished Researcher Engineer, Palo Alto Networks)
* Jimmy Su (Senior Director, JD.COM)
* Song Li (Founder and CTO, NewSky Security)
* Hayawardh Vijayakumar (Researcher, Samsung Research America)
* Victor Fang (Principal Data Scientist , FireEye)
* Rui Wang (CTO, VeriClouds)

### University affiliated:
* Xinyu Xing (Pennsylvania State University)
* Vyas Sekar (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Sencun Zhu (Pennsylvania State University)
* Yuan Tian (University of Virginia)
* Haixin Duan (Tsinghua University)
* Kai Chen (Chinese Academy of Science)
* Zhi Wang (Florida State University)
* Lorenzo Cavallaro (Royal Holloway, University of London)
* Peng Liu (Pennsylvania State University)

### High-Tech focused Venture Capitalists
* Lin Xie (HEDA Ventures)
* Jun Li (Wisemont Capital)

## Submission

### Submission Page

### Instructions for authors:
Technical papers submitted for RESEC are to be written in English.

* **Full Papers** must be at most **6 pages** excluding bibliography and appendices, and at most 8 pages in total.

* **Short Papers** must be at most **3 pages** excluding bibliography and appendices, and at most 4 pages in total.

Committee members are not obligated to read appendices, and a paper must be intelligible without the appendices. Submissions must follow the new ACM conference template (, which has been updated for 2017. Only pdf files will be accepted.

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference or workshop. Simultaneous submission of the same work is prohibited. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the workshop. At least one author of the paper must be registered at the appropriate conference rate. At least one author of the paper must be registered at the appropriate conference rate. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

### Important Dates
* **Submissions Due: Jan 29 (Extended), 2018 (GMT)**
* **Notification: Mar 10, 2018**
* **Camera-ready Due: Mar 31, 2018**
* **Workshop: Jun 4, 2018**


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