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ACBH 2019 : 4th Workshop on Affective Computing in Biomedicine and Healthcare


When Nov 18, 2019 - Nov 21, 2019
Where San Diego, CA, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 20, 2019
Notification Due Oct 15, 2019
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2019
Categories    affective computing   machine learning   bioinformatics   big data analysis

Call For Papers

Welcome to the workshop on Affective Computing in Biomedicine and Healthcare (ACBH 2019) to be held in Nov. 2019, in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2019 conference in San Diego, CA, USA (

Affective Computing (AC) has become an emerging and important branch of artificial intelligence that focus on the study and development of algorithms, systems and devices that can recognize, interpret, process and respond to human emotions. This interdisciplinary field spans computer science, psychology, mental health, psychiatry, cognitive science, biomedicine and healthcare. This workshop aims to provide a international forum for exchange and discussion on affective computing in biomedicine and healthcare research. The scope of this workshop is to explore and apply artificial intelligence, computer human interaction, sensor technology to support related biomedicine, healthcare and affective/emotional wellbeing. Physiological signal processing, speech/text mining, sentiment mining in relation to affective computing and healthcare are welcome. Potential workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

* Bioinformatics analysis in emotional health
* Emotion recognition and detection algorithms
* Computational modelling for affective and emotional monitoring
* Sentiment analysis
* EEG detection for emotion recognition
* Facial/Speech/Text/Sentiment analysis in emotion recognition
* Emotion ontology and semantic representation
* Emotion monitoring/tracking technology
* Methods and systems to support affective wellbeing
* Affective tutoring to support mental health
* Web intelligence and mobile computing in emotion recognition
* Emotion visualisation and tagging
* Big data analysis in affective computing
* Multiscale modelling and computing in emotion recognition and recommendation

We invite you to submit papers with unpublished, original research describing recent advances on the areas related to this workshop. All papers will undergo peer review by the conference program committee. All papers accepted will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and will be available at the workshops.

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