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IDEAS-Climate Change 2019 : IDEAS 2019- Big Data and Climate Change Impact


When Jun 10, 2019 - Jun 12, 2019
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 12, 2019
Notification Due May 2, 2019
Final Version Due May 25, 2019
Categories    climate change   big data   algorithms for climate

Call For Papers

23rd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
IDEAS 2019 will be hosted by Harokopio University,
June 10-12, 2019 Athens, Greece

Call for Track Papers: Big Data and Climate Change Impact

This track forms part of the annual IDEAS conference: a top
international forum for data engineering researchers,
practitioners, developers, and application users to explore
revolutionary ideas and results, and to exchange techniques,
tools, and experiences.


"Big Data" is a domain that offers a wide panel of techniques and
tools for managing, processing and analyzing big volumes of
structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that are
potentially interesting to be mined. Massive data need specific
methods and tools to be stored and analyzed as well. Traditional
data mining algorithms and relational database operators are not
efficient on them as they require high-performance
solutions. Global climate change is one of the main current
challenges all over the world. There is considerable work to find
solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation in human life,
biodiversity and natural environments among which big data
analysis and data science can provide valuable insights into
climate change impact. Indeed both real data collected by
observation of natural processes and data resulting from model
simulations reach very large sizes and offer what we can call
climate big data challenges. Climate data and meteorological data
are specially abundant and related domains such as environment,
biodiversity, energy, health, mobility, agriculture or tourism
for instance generate also large amounts of data.

The goal of this track is to present contributions on big data
solutions as they contribute to studying climate change impact
and more broadly to gain insight the diversity of massive data
techniques and tools as they relate specifically to climate

The track will provide a forum for researchers, practitioners,
business leaders and policy makers, for the discussion and the
sharing of new ideas and solutions, aiming at creating a
scientific background for a solid development of innovative
solutions using big data for analyzing climate change .

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

- Big data models related to climate change
- Preprocessing of Big data for climate change impact analysis
- Big data quality and climate change
- Algorithms and techniques for Big data analysis in the context
of climate change
- Big data solutions as climates services.
- Big data and climate change in urban planning, energy, water
management, economics, biodiversity, agriculture, tourism,
human behavior domains

Submission for the track

All paper submission for IDEAS’2019 and its tracks would be via the
corresponding pages on ConfSys. Authors should sign up as user of the
system at:
When submitting a paper, for a track pl. select the appropriate track
unless you are submitting to the main event (indicated by "General

The papers submitted for a track would be reviewed by the program
committee aided by the members of this track committee. The
accepted papers would be presented during IDEAS 2019 and would be
included in the proceedings of IDEAS 2019.

Please consult the guides given in the right hand margin for FAQ,
submission guidelines etc. on the home page of IDEAS 2019:

Important Dates

April 12, 2019: Papers submission EXTENDED deadline: ++plus grace period
May 2, 2019: Notification of acceptance
May 25, 2019: Camera-ready deadline (Final Version of accepted submissions)

Conference Publication

The conference proceedings will be published by ACM in their digital
library and indexed by them; the ISBN assigned by ACM to IDEAS'2019
is: 978-1-4503-6249-8

ACM allows choice in the copyrights/licence and open access according
to their policy.

A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference
attendees would be prepared by BytePress.

Organized by

Harokopio University of Athens, with the cooperation of ACM, and

Track Chairs:
Martine Collard, Université des Antilles, France

General Chairs: .
Bipin C. Desai, Concordia University, Montreal
Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens;

Program Chairs:
Yannis Manolopoulos, Open University of Cyprus
Mara Nikolaidou, Harokopio University of Athens,

Local Chair:
George Dimitrakopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens
Dimitris Michail, Harokopio University of Athens,

IDEAS Steering Committee

Desai, Bipin C. (Chair) Concordia University
McClatchey, Richard University of the West of England, Bristol
Ng, Wilfred Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Pokorny, Jaroslav Charles University
Toyama , Motomichi Keio University
Ullman, Jeffrey Stanford University

Related Resources

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IDEAS 2025   First National Conference of Innovation in Data Engineering and AI Science
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Leuven, Belgium-CESEE 2025   2025 3rd International Conference on Chemical, Energy Science and Environmental Engineering
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