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Cloud-I 2012 : 1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence @VLDB 2012


When Aug 31, 2012 - Aug 31, 2012
Where Istanbul
Submission Deadline May 1, 2012
Notification Due Jun 5, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 12, 2012
Categories    cloud   data analytics

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 2012)
In conjunction with VLDB 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, August 31, 2012
Contact email:


With the increasing success of cloud computing, cloud business intelligence "as a service" offerings have sparkled widely, both from cloud start-ups and major BI industry vendors. Beyond porting BI features into the cloud, which already implies numerous issues (e.g., BigData/NoSQL database modeling and storage, data localization, security and privacy, performance, cost and usage models...), this trend also poses new, broader challenges for making data analytics available to small and middle-size enterprises (SMEs), non-governmental organizations, web communities (e.g., supported by social networks), and even the average citizen; this vision presumably requiring a mixture of both private and open data.

The aim of the Cloud-I workshop is to become an interdisciplinary, regular exchange forum for researchers, industry and practitioners, as well as all potential users of Cloud Intelligence. The submission of research, industrial, position, visionary and student papers are encouraged to fuel up the discussion.

The 1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (Cloud-I 2012) will be collocated with the 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2012). Selected accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of a leading database journal (pending negotiation).

* Topics of interest

The topics of the Cloud-I workshop include, but are not limited to, the following list.
- Accessibility of Cloud Intelligence
- Analytics for complex data
- Analytics for social networks
- Analytics for temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal and mobile data
- Benchmarking Cloud Intelligence applications
- Cloud data warehouse design and architectures
- Cloud infrastructure for analytics applications
- Cloud Intelligence on linked data
- Collaborative Cloud Intelligence
- Cooperative Cloud Intelligence
- Crowd intelligence
- Data analytics as a service
- Data mining over the cloud
- Economic/payment models for cloud intelligence
- Extracting, Transforming and Loading data over the cloud
- Human-Computer interaction for Cloud Intelligence
- Massive data analytics: algorithms, techniques and systems
- OLAP over the cloud
- Open and private data cross-integration
- Personal intelligence
- Privacy and security in Cloud Intelligence
- Real-time/right-time and event-based analytics, performance issues
- Reliability and fault tolerance in Cloud Intelligence
- Scalability and parallelization for Cloud Intelligence: MapReduce and beyond
- Semantic Web intelligence
- Sharing and reusing Cloud Intelligence results

* Important dates

- Paper submission deadline: May 1, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: June 5, 2012
- Camera ready paper submission: June 12, 2012
- Workshop date: August 31, 2012

* Submission guidelines

Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files following the VLDB camera-ready format.

Papers must not to exceed 8 pages in length and must be submitted electronically on the workshop’s web page.

* Workshop chairs

- Jérôme Darmont, Université de Lyon, France
- Torben Bach Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark

* Program committee

- Alberto Abello, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Sihem Amer-Yahia, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar
- Sandro Bimonte, CEMAGREF Clermont-Ferrand, France
- François Briant, IBM France
- Laurent d'Orazio, Université Clermont-Ferrand II, France
- Amr El Abbadi, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
- Matteo Golfarelli, University of Bologna, Italy
- Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA
- Anne Laurent, Université Montpellier 2, France
- Daniel Lemire, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Ioana Manolescu, INRIA Saclay, France
- Morten Middelfart, TARGIT & illo, Denmark
- Jose-Norberto Mazon, University of Alicante, Spain
- Mathias Paulin, We Are Cloud, France
- Stefano Rizzi, University of Bologna, Italy
- Juan Trujillo, University of Alicante, Spain
- Panos Vassiliadis, University of Ioannina, Greece
- Gottfried Vossen, Universität Münster, Germany

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