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FMCIoT 2019 : 2nd International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things


When Jul 14, 2019 - Jul 17, 2019
Where Atlanta
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2019
Notification Due Apr 15, 2019
Final Version Due May 31, 2019
Categories    cloud computing and iot   big data for mobile and iotâ    emerging concepts of mobile co   cloudlet based computing

Call For Papers

Mobile phones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are the top
two largest categories of connected devices in 2018. With more
than 15% compound annual growth rate, they are considered as one
of today's hottest trends in both academia and industry.
Both Mobile phones and IoT devices integrates different major
technologies such as cloud services, big data, cloud computing,
and wireless networking (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 5G, …) in one platform
that services the end users. According to Ericcson, there will be a total
of approximately 28B connected devices worldwide by 2021 fairly distributed
between Mobile phones and IoT devices. Despite this rapid growth,
many issues at the intersection of Mobile computing and IoT are still
challenging and need to be addressed. These challenges are related to
the underlying communication networks, interaction with cloud services,
security, the required Quality of Service, the availability of services,
integration with next generation internet technologies, and many others.
The FMCIoT 2019 Workshop aims at soliciting original ideas on
the broad area of Mobile and IoT architectures including challenges
and opportunities, concepts, applications, and future trends that address
the aforementioned challenges. The Workshop aims to facilitate discussions
among academics and industry to bridge Mobile Computing and IoT practitioners
and make positive contributions to the field.

* Emerging concepts of Mobile Computing and IoT
* Design methodologies for Mobile Computing and IoT
* Novel services and applications of IoT to facilitate environmental responsibility
* Mobile Cloud Computing and IoT Pricing and billing models.
* IoT and Mobile Social benefits/impact
* Emerging IoT and Mobile Computing integration business models and process changes
* Communication systems and network architectures for the IoT and Mobile Computing
* Future perspective for Mobile and IoT integration: Challenges and Open Issues
* Cloudlet based computing
* Fog based computing
* Lightweight authentication mechanisms in Mobile Computing and IoT architectures
* Information-Centric Networking for Mobile and IoT
* Software-Defined Networking for Mobile and IoT
* Mobile Computing and IoT Quality of Service (QoS) improvements techniques.
* Mobile and IoT architecture features and evolution.
* Mobile Cloud Computing and IoT Networking and Communication considerations
* Security of mobile commerce and mobile IoT
* IoT and Data Management
* Disaster recovery in mobile and IoT
* Applications of Internet of things
* Emerging applications and interaction paradigms for everyday citizens
* Big data for Mobile and IoT
* Cloud Computing and IoT

General Cochairs:
Charif Mahmoudi, Siemens Corporate Technology, NJ,USA
Fabrice Mourlin, UPEC University, France

 Technical Program CoChairs:
Edward Griffor, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Maryland USA
Jean-Marc Farinone, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France

Steering Committee Members:
Thomas Scheiter, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany
Abdella Battou, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Maryland USA

Program Committee Members(TPC)
Abderrahim Maizate, Hassan II university Casablanca, Morocco
Xi Zhang, Siemens Corporate Technology, NJ, USA
Cihan Tunc , University of Arizona, USA
Mounir Rifi, Hassan II university Casablanca, Morocco
Youssef Atik, Quattro-IT, France
Mahmoud Almostafa Rabbah, RABBAH SOFT, Morocco
Assane Gueye, Univeriste Alioune Diop de Bambey, Senegal
Mheni Merzouki, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Maryland USA
Jean Luc Deléage, Picardy University France
Cyril Dumont, Leuville Objects Company France
Yubo Wang Siemens Corporate Technology, NJ, USA

Publicity Chair:
Junior Dongo, UPEC University, France

Submission :
All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website (EDAS) in word or PDF format at . The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with overlength charge) including figures and references using the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, font size 10). You can access the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines from the following link:
Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI) and IEEE Xplore. At least one of the authors of any accepted paper must register and present the paper.

Important Dates:
- Final Submission Deadline: March 15, 2019
- Workshops paper notifications: April 15, 2019
- Workshop paper camera ready due: May 31, 2019
- Workshop: July 14-17, 2019.

For questions regarding the Workshop, please contact /

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