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EAI CPSE 2021 : EAI International Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Environments


When Oct 24, 2021 - Oct 25, 2021
Where Portugal
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2021
Notification Due Oct 15, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 7, 2021
Categories    security   privacy   smart cities

Call For Papers

EAI CPSE 2021 will be held as a fully-fledged online conference (with an on-site possibility).
If the local situation allows it, the event will take place on-site in its original location with an option for all authors to present remotely.
In any case, all matters related to publication and indexing will remain unchanged.

Smart environments such as smart homes, smart industries, or smart cities are envisioned to improve the interaction between humans and their surroundings. Collectively, these systems create dynamic and complex cyberinfrastructures with diverse requirements in terms of their security and privacy. Also, the interactions between these systems create new threat landscapes with unique interactions and interdependencies between adversarial actions and their impact. This impact can be manifested differently, in the physical, electronic, and natural domains for the same attack vectors. These smart environments include systems and networks that process and exchange information to. In these environments, the security of the systems, networks, and data plays a fundamental role since user data is gathered, processed, and exchanged. Certain issues have been raised in terms of the privacy implications of machine-to-machine (M2M) and human-to-machine (H2M) communications in these environments. The ability of these systems to preserve privacy-enhancing security operations remains open research and technical challenge with legal and regulatory ramifications as part of their deployment, use, and abuse.

The Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Environments aims to bring together worldwide researchers to share and discuss recent security-related challenges and opportunities arising when deploying smart spaces and environments.

The conference will count on defined Keynote Speakers that will give their contribution to discuss challenges and opportunities in the areas of the conference.



All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

Authors of selected best accepted and presented papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

- Wireless Networks (WINET) Journal (IF: 2.659)
- Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal (IF: 2.602)

All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety (Open Access)
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities (Open Access)

Additional publication opportunities:

- EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series
(titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus)


The works that will be presented at the conference will focus on security and privacy engineering approaches in smart environments. Topics of interest include but not limited to:

Engineering of Secure Smart Systems
Privacy Enhancing Technologies in Smart cyberinfrastructures
Compliance-aware privacy operations in Smart devices
Threat modeling approaches and attack exposure analysis
Identification of Cyber Criminal Behavioral Patterns and observables
Security and Privacy Challenges in Smart Environments
Threat intelligence sharing in Smart cyberinfrastructures
Legal and regulatory compliance frameworks and standards
Building resilience in smart Environments
Blockchain systems and smart contracts for future networking and communications
Secure integration of IoT and cloud environments
Secure device-to-device communications and applications
AI and machine learning for secure smart environments
Edge security and secure edge computing


General Chairs
Pedro Pinto - Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Manuel F. Veiga - University of Vigo, Spain
Gregory Epiphaniou - University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Technical Program Committee Chair
António Pinto - INESC TEC, Portugal

This event is organized by EAI (

EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.

Related Resources

Security 2025   Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust
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CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
NLAIM 2025   2nd International Conference on NLP, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applications
IoE 2025   Special issue on: Cybersecurity Issues and Challenges in Internet of Energy (IoE)
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
ACM EnergySP 2025   ACM SIGEnergy Workshop on Cybersecurity and Privacy of Energy Systems
IWSEC 2025   The 20th International Workshop on Security (1st Submission)
CRBL 2025   5th International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain
IE 2025   Intelligent Environments