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SC4Life 2019 : SC4Life 2019 - EAI International Conference on Society with Future: Smart and Liveable Cities


When Dec 4, 2019 - Dec 6, 2019
Where Braga
Submission Deadline Aug 16, 2019
Notification Due Sep 16, 2019
Final Version Due Oct 4, 2019
Categories    urban   smart city   sustainable   GOVERNANCE

Call For Papers


Today, it is a well-known fact of our modern-day history, that cities and surrounding urban settlements are considered the best place to live, attracting more and more people and activities. However, not only does this movement represent a threat, but also challenges and opportunities for everyone, e.g., people, communities, organizations and governments, under the principle of “sustainability for people and respecting the environment”.

Apparently, the need to evolve from present cities to “smart cities” offering more efficiency to main infrastructures, utilities and services, creating a sustainable urban environment that improves the quality of life for its citizens and enhances economic development is widely accepted. However, despite the accepted concept of smart cities, as a result of the utilisation of the latest information and communication technologies (ICT), the concepts of smart, sustainable, resilient, safe, inclusive and liveable cities, must be jointly considered, linking ICT advancements with the most innovative technology and systems of the built and natural environment, as well as with the most relevant component being its citizens, to offer efficient cities and territories, as a support for a “Society with a Future”.

When considering this holistic approach, a set of questions emerges, particularly when dealing with cities in different countries which are experiencing very diverse problems in different regional, political, legal, technical, and economic contexts. Therefore, in every context, the nuclear question is the identification of the needs of its citizens and their engagement in the process of building “Smart and Liveable Cities”, where a sustainable development will only be possible by way of an integration and convergence of digital and physical infrastructures with the participation of citizens.

The above challenges call on all stakeholders for a new inspirational vision of society, with mandatory citizen involvement and participation through the approach of urban living labs, integrating the balance between cities and territories. In this challenging context, UM-Cities is launching a new conference series, “Society with a Future – Smart and Liveable Cities”.

This conference will permit a liveable forum for the exchange of scientific ideas and practical results, technological innovations and social challenges and new visions, from academics, companies and municipalities, also considering the irreplaceable role of the intervention of citizens, fostering the innovations to support a better quality of life with social cohesion.

In this first edition, the following main topics are considered: i) Cities and Territories; ii) Information and Technologies; iii) Citizen-centred Needs. In addition to papers in the referred topics, contributions with an interdisciplinary nature are particularly encouraged. In particular, the topic of Cities and Territories will include papers in the field of “Sustainable Mobility”, “Smart Buildings and Infrastructures” and “Urban Planning”.



The works that will be presented at conference will focus on the following topics:

Cities and Territories:
- Build Environment and Energy Efficiency
- Urban Resilience and Robustness
- Sustainable Urban Infrastructure
- Integrated Sustainable Mobility
- Inclusive Public Spaces for Urban Liveability

Information and Technologies:
- Ambient Intelligence
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Urban Governance and Digital Transitions
- Connectivity, Mobile Computing and interaction
- Big-Data and Artificial Intelligence

Citizen-centre Needs:
- Participation and the Right to the City
- Local-Global Urban Policies
- Sharing Economy and Social Trust
- Social Innovation for Enduring Problems
- Cultural Heritage and Identity



All registered papers will be submitted for publication in Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

SC4Life proceedings are submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology

Additional publication opportunities:
- EAI Transactions series (Open Access)
- EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series

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