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secau 2012 : secau Security Congress 2012


When Dec 3, 2012 - Dec 5, 2012
Where Perth, Western Australia
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2012
Notification Due Oct 28, 2012
Final Version Due Nov 11, 2012
Categories    digital forensics   information security managemen   security & intelligence   ehealth

Call For Papers

Congress Theme: "Sense-making in an age of increasing data and scant information"

The 2012 secau Security Congress aims to draw together all areas of security professions and disciplines as part of a holistic engagement with the wider security discourse. The modern security environment is complex and increasingly becoming integrated into heterogeneous digital systems that collect and produce vast amounts of data. The active monitoring of these digital systems makes subsequent sense making and situational awareness within the modern security environment harder to achieve.

This problem is primarily due to the information overloads brought on by increased data flows from our new environments. The aim of this conference is to explore methods which help in reducing this morass of data and turning this data into discrete, timely information that can correctly inform our situational awareness and enable us to make sense of our security environments.

The secau Security Congress hosts 6 security based conferences over 3 days, being:

* 13th Australian Information Warfare Conference
* 10th Australian Information Security Management Conference
* 10th Australian Digital Forensics Conference
* 5th Australian Security and Intelligence Conference
* 3rd Australian Counter Terrorism Conference
* 1st Australian eHealth Informatics and Security Conference

Call for papers are sought for each conference stream, please refer to the submission website for detailed topics

For any queries please contact the Congress Coordinator at

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