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ICE/IEEE ITMC 2018 : Special Issue on „Smart Services and Software Platforms“ in Journal IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management


When Jun 17, 2018 - Jun 20, 2018
Where Stuttgart (Germany)
Submission Deadline Apr 22, 2018
Notification Due May 15, 2018
Categories    software engineering   management   information technology   information systems

Call For Papers

This Special Issue pertains to the ICE/IEEE 2018 conference to be held inStuttgart (Germany), 17-20 June 2018.
The ubiquitous availability of digital connected devices fosters the rise of more and more computational services in complex cyber-physical systems.Especially software innovations in the areas of data science, machine learning, as well as software architecture and engineering facilitate the emergence of smart services and software platforms, which can operate context- and self-aware in real time. This progress is observable in the public as well as in the industrial space under denotations such as Smart City, Smart Home, or Industrial Internet.
A unifying phenomenon of this class of software-based systems is that the traditional scientific models are not able to sufficiently support the runtime-composition as well as decentralized and concurrent engineering processes..

This call for papers targets a special issue on the topic of development processes and technologies for smart services and their software platforms. It addresses especially the question how service providers can develop connectable smart services in temporary alive system compositions. We would like papers to explore the technology and engineering management perspective rather than the technology itself.
We emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the topic by explicitly inviting scholars from various disciplines.

Topic 1: Semantic standardization of data, software services and processes in (asynchronous and
decentralized) engineering
Topic 2: Novel engineering processes for smart and emergent service systems
Topic 3: Approaches for software platform support of smart service systems
Topic 4: Component-based software engineering for self-adaptive systems of cyber-physical systems
Topic 5: Smart Service Marketing
Topic 6: Resilience of smart service ecosystems

- Length of extended abstract: 4 pages (max)
- Language: English
- Format: IEEE Format (see CfP for Conference Papers)
- Outline for Journal Extension & List of own and relevant state-of-the-art references

- Deadline for extended abstract submission: 22th April, 2018
- Completion of the review process: 15th May, 2018
- Workshop at the Conference: 18th-20th June, 2018

Guest Editors:
Christian Bartelt Institute for Enterprise Systems - University of Mannheim
Jürgen Jähnert Baden-Württemberg Connected
Marc König Baden-Württemberg Connected
Alexander Mädche Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Andreas Rausch Software Systems Engineering - Clausthal University of Technology
Konrad Zerr University of Applied Science Pforzheim
… (to be extended)

In case of any questions, please contact the organizers at

Editor-in-Chief (Journal):
Tugrul U Daim, Ph.D. and PICMET Fellow
Department of Engineering and Technology Management,
Portland State University

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