Best papers presented at the workshop will be selected and the corresponding authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for possible publications in the Special Issue "Holistic Technologies for Managing Internet of Things Services" on IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.
Advances in ICT are changing the way we live and work, making our daily activities faster, easier and more reliable. Smart cities are becoming an intriguing stage for several citizens to benefit from pervasive, easy to use, and interactive services and applications. From the technical perspective smart cities are the result of the integration of several technologies, that cooperate to provide seamless solutions to end users. Such technologies enable the collection, storage, and processing of data sensed from the environment and/or produced by citizens themselves; they promote social interactions and improve people's quality of life. For Instance the integration of network infrastructures along with services provided by both big players (e.g., Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Amazon) and small and medium enterprises open new scenarios for the smart city ecosystem and approaches like osmotic computing are necessary to dynamically organize and migrate resources according to the requirements of different infrastructures (e.g., load balancing, reliability, availability) and applications (e.g., sensing/actuation capabilities, context awareness, proximity, Quality of Service (QoS)).