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CIIS-UL 2020 : CIIS-UL 2020 : III International Congress in Systems Engineering


When Nov 17, 2020 - Nov 20, 2020
Where Lima (virtual)
Submission Deadline Aug 17, 2020
Notification Due Sep 18, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 2, 2020
Categories    sustainability   information technologies   data analysis   climate change

Call For Papers


In the third edition of CIIS we will cover the sustainability theme, which implies satisfying the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability to satisfy future generations. It is a simple proposition in its essence, but it increasingly reveals itself as challenging to everyday life, given the accelerated rhythm of modern life: constant technological development, massive products manufacturing, big human groups mobilizations, a never-seen energetic consumption, resource overexploitation, environment damage, etc. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), stablished by the United Nations, consider the topics to which we should pay attention and those in which we should be inspired to develop actions for a sustainable social, political, economic and environmental future.

Note: Due to the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 disease, the congress will be held completely online, including the presentations of those approved papers and posters.

Call For Papers
We welcome original papers reporting on research and empirical studies in the following, but not limited to, area topics:

Data Analysis with Social impact:
Social Network Analysis
Artificial Intelligence applied to social development
IT for gender equality
Big Data applications
Privacy and anonymity

Sustainable communications:
Mobile networks (4G/5G)
Emerging network technologies
Software-defined networks
Virtualization of networks functions
Middle ware systems

Climate change:
Sensory networks
Sustainable management of natural resources
Technology for environmental control

Energy efficiency:
Distributed computing
Big scale systems
Virtualization solutions
Cloud computing
IT energy-aware

Sensor technologies
Patients monitoring
Emergency services
Image analysis

Industry *.0
Digital siblings
Autonomous robots
Predictive maintenance
Auto-organization and self-adaptation
Intelligent contracts
Computer Vision

Sustainable cities:
Internet of things
Smart grids
Sustainable transport systems
Smart cities
Autonomous vehicles

Information Technology and Communications:
Information Systems
Software Engineering
IT governance
Educational technologies

CIIS 2020 will be held from the 17th-20th of November of 2020 and we will provide a space of international academic scope. We will approach topics related to emerging technologies that allow the exchange of knowledge, experiences and research in the areas mentioned with a special focus in Sustainability issues. The topics to be discussed contribute to the development and growth of the specialization areas aforementioned, for the benefit of researchers, teachers, students, as well as the scientific and academic community.

- Articles/Posters submission: Until the 17th of August
- Acceptance Notification: 18th of September.

The articles should not exceed 10 pages for full papers or 6 pages for WIP (work-in-progress) papers, including: tables, figures and references. The images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. No page numbering is required. The papers can be written in: English or in Spanish. A template can be found in:

Papers must not include author’s names or other personal information in order to preserve their anonymity. Submitted papers will be evaluated anonymously by the review committee appointed for the CIIS 2020.

More details can be found in:

The link for submission is:

The best papers will be invited to present extended versions for being published at our journal “Interfases” ( which is indexed in LatinIndex and Dialnet.

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