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Interfaces ULima 2020 : Interfaces: Peruvian Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems


When Sep 11, 2020 - Oct 30, 2020
Where Lima
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2020
Categories    computer science   information systems   software engineering

Call For Papers

About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Interfaces: "Peruvian Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems" is a regional forum for engineers and scholars involved in data management, machine learning, CS education, IS education, software systems, and other computer science (CS) related areas, to publish original and refereed papers. Full papers and research advances reporting original CS/IS research are welcome, as well as selected conference papers, provided they meet peer-review standards. The journal Interfaces is indexed in Dialnet, Latindex and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
The journal is published once a year, in December.

Peer Review Process

Original and unpublished submissions sent to the Interfaces journal follow an evaluation process in two stages. In the first one, the editor examines the content to determine whether the manuscript is aligned with scope and has followed the Author Guidelines. If the manuscript is not accepted, it is sent back to the corresponding author, detailing the adopted decision. In the second stage, the accepted manuscript is sent to an external reviewer, an expert on the topic of the paper. The second evaluation corresponds to a double-blinded peer review, it says with anonymous reviewer and author.

The reviewer evaluates the content of the manuscript and based on his/her expertise and knowledge adopts one of the following recommendations:

The manuscript is accepted without changes or with minimal changes that do not require a second evaluation.
The manuscript is accepted conditioned to make major changes, according to the reviewer's observations. The corrected version of the manuscript must be approved in a second revision.
The manuscript is not accepted because of the limited contributions of the paper or other considerations reported by the reviewer.
The editor sends the reviewer's observations back to the corresponding author, who has up to 30 days to make the changes (Recommendation 1 and 2) or agues why the reviewer's observation will not be followed (only Recommendation 2).

Once the reviewer receives the corrected manuscript has up to 20 days to report the result of the new evaluation, making his/her final recommendation. Once the editor receives the second report makes a decision to publish the manuscript, notifying to the corresponding author.

Any objection of the corresponding author to the reviewer's observations will be solved by the Editorial Committee, as a final instance.

The journal adheres to the criteria established in the "Guidelines on Good Publication Practice" by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which specifies the sanctions to be applied in plagiarism cases. For plagiarism detection, it is used the software Turnitin.

Open Access Policy
The journal provides open access to all its content, grounded on the premise that a wide and no-restrictions access to the research results will contribute to a bigger and global interchange of knowledge. Therefore, we do not have a policy of Articles Processing Charge (APC).

Regarding copyright, we work with an Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC4.0) License. This way, we guarantee full access to our publications, recognizing the original contribution of authors.

Marco Antonio Sotelo Monge
School of Architecture and Engineering / Systems Engineering / Universidad de Lima

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