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BSCT 2018 : 1st Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies


When Jul 18, 2018 - Jul 20, 2018
Where Berlin, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Submission Deadline May 27, 2018
Notification Due Jun 18, 2018
Final Version Due Jun 25, 2018
Categories    blockchain   smart contracts   cryptocurrencies   distributed ledger

Call For Papers

The introduction of bitcoin protocol in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto has been a disruptive event that marked the beginning of the new era of decentralization in information systems worldwide. After a ten years period of incubation the more comprehensive version of technology is mature enough to become the fully-fledged architecture being the basis for numerous applications from broad range of industries. One of Its traits of being third-party independent make the blockchain platforms a first choice for innovative business models and startups. So far the focus on technologies around blockchain was mainly the domain of innovators, enthusiast and early-adopters. Although the developments in the field is closely observed by the academia there is relatively little research forums concerned purely with distributed ledger phenomenon.

The first International workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies (BSCT), co-located with 21st International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2018) being held in Berlin, Germany is planned to be such a forum. It will be the platform bringing together practitioners and researchers to create an open space for introducing insights and exchanging new ideas. The workshop aims at investigating challenges and opportunities in the field of blockchain technologies and its future developments. Additionally, it will pay a special attention to issues related to blockchain architectures and applications as well as innovative business models and use-cases based on distributed ledger environments.

The workshop is open to any research or position papers describing current work relating to blockchain and smart contracts technologies with respect to applications, analysis, simulation results, proof-of-concept or innovative solution approaches.


- Anomaly detection on blockchain
- Assessment of consensus protocols
- Asset digitization
- Blockchain and Big Data
- Blockchain economic implications
- Blockchain performance
- Blockchain vulnerabilities and attacks schemes
- Consensus protocols
- Cryptocurrencies
- DAO & Governance
- Data protection issues and blockchain
- Development and runtime environments
- Distributed ledger & IoT solutions
- Distributed ledger analytics
- Distributed ledger impact on economy and society
- Financial aspects of ICO
- General use of blockchain technologies
- Identity management in anonymous environments
- Industry applications (fintech, healthcare, insurances, fraud detection, supply chain etc)
- Innovative approaches and paradigms
- Ledger legal regulations
- Legal and organizational issues of blockchain
- Macro and microeconomic models for cryptocurrencies
- Performance measures of blockchain
- Programming techniques for smart contracts
- Security and privacy concerns
- Smart contracts
- Smart contracts deployment and maintenance
- Smart contracts testing
- System consistency


Central European Institute of Legal Informatics (CEILI)
Poznań University of Economics, Department of Information Systems


Saulius Masteika, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Erich Schweighofer, University of Vienna, Austria
Piotr Stolarski, Poznan University of Economics, Poland

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