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HOLONOVELS 2018 : Workshop: Holonovels – New Frontiers for Engaging Arts and Sciences in Future-Oriented Design


When Sep 4, 2018 - Sep 5, 2018
Where London, UK
Submission Deadline May 15, 2018
Notification Due Jun 15, 2018
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2018
Categories    virtual reality   augmented reality   future studies   interdisciplinary

Call For Papers

This workshop encourages creative contributions that take the form of original narrative fiction, such as science fiction prototypes (SFP), design fiction, scenario based design, or related contributions. To form a focal point, we are asking authors to use the STAR TREK ® HOLODECK® as inspiration for their stories and discussions. In general, a HOLODECK is a space in which simulations of people, objects and environments that seem to be real can be created and can be interacted with. It can be seen as one way that mixed reality and immersive spaces could develop in the future and can be used as a flexible plot device to frame stories and discussions. The HOLODECK is an imaginary concept, but we hope that its futuristic nature will motivate ideas that will be transferable to our own world, enabling discussion that range from concepts for new technologies to concerns about their societal or ethical use. A contemporary example of fictional content covering themes of this kind related to virtual reality is the Steven Spielberg film, 'Ready Player One', based on Ernest Cline's novel of the same name.

The holonovel can be seen as a new medium, to be considered not just by engineers and scientists but also by artists, designers and writers. We encourage contributions that cross professional boundaries, especially between the arts and sciences. Nevertheless, content of the contributions is not limited, and papers looking at aspects of the development of “holodecks” from a technological, innovation or any other viewpoint are also welcomed.

As examples of suitable structures for papers submitted, you can find last year’s workshop session holonovels/papers at:

The Holonovels Workshop takes place as part of the International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education (TIE’18). Accepted papers will be submitted for publication in Springer USA and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library. Participants can attend just the workshop or the conference as a whole.

(*STAR TREK, HOLODECK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.)

Paper submission:
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy‘ system here, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

Workshop Organisers:
Dr Tiina Kymäläinen, Human Factors, Virtual and Augmented Reality, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
Jim Hensman, Coventry University, UK

For more information please contact Dr Tiina Kymäläinen (

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