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RootsTech 2011 : RootsTech - Genealogy and Technology Conference


When Feb 10, 2011 - Feb 12, 2011
Where Salt Lake City, UT
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2010
Categories    genealogy   family history   technology

Call For Papers

Lecture proposals are now being accepted for the new RootsTech Conference. RootsTech is a unique conference that will cover a broad range of technology topics that apply to family history and spans experience levels from beginning technologists to experienced software developers. The diversity of this audience is uniquely intended to bring these two groups together, educating, learning, collaborating, sharing, and finding solutions. While unique tracks will be offered that meet the specific needs of genealogists using technology as well as software developers, special emphasis should be placed on finding ways in which these two groups may work and interact together.

We welcome proposals that address the role of technology and software development with application to the field of genealogy and family history research.

Submissions are due by 15 September 2010, with an extended deadline of 5 January 2011 for limited late-breaking technology research papers.

Types of Sessions:

Presentations: Classroom settings that engage participants. Submissions should consist of valuable content closely following the material presented in the class, not to exceed four pages.

Panel/Discussions: Formal panels of experts discussing specific topics, led by a facilitator. Submissions should consist of a sampling of 10-20 questions that will be asked of the panel, panel member names and associations* and a description of the purpose of the panel/discussion.

Hands-on Workshop Guidelines: By the end of a hands-on workshop, attendees will be able to accomplish a specific task or objective. Submissions should consist of step-by-step guides to help users accomplish the tasks covered in the workshop, not to exceed four pages.

Research Paper Guidelines and Fast-Breaking Papers: Research-based papers with limited time to present research results and field questions from the audience. Submissions should consist of a 10-page paper reporting on the research process and results. Active promotion of products is prohibited in the research track.

Product and Services Demos: Educational sessions on products and services offered by vendors. Submissions should consist of a one-page outline/fact sheet educating conference attendees about the product or service. Additional materials may be distributed in class, but will not be included in the syllabus.

Birds-of-a-Feather Facilitator Guidelines: Informal, facilitated discussions of topics of interest that will engage both software developers and genealogists. Submissions should consist of an outline of the session, not to exceed one page.
*By listing the panel members by name, you indicate that they have agreed to participate if this session is accepted.

General Submission Guidelines:

Submissions should include clear and understandable materials for each course. Special consideration will be given to proposals that provide a hands-on or interactive experience, with presenters giving step-by-step approaches to using technology, software, hardware, algorithms, APIs, plug-ins, extensions, and similar topics. Clickers will be available for limited sessions to help class members participate in real time.

Provide two copies, one in Microsoft Word (any version), the second as an Adobe Acrobat PDF.

Minimum margins of ¾” on the top, bottom, left, and right of each page.

Standard 12-point font, Times New Roman, single spaced.

If additional space is required, place conference materials online and provide a URL in the submitted materials. Materials may also be added free of charge to the FamilySearch Research Wiki at

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