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Ohio Gen Soc 2012 : Ohio Genealogical Society 2012 Annual Conference


When Apr 12, 2012 - Apr 14, 2012
Where Cleveland, Ohio
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2011
Categories    genealogy   family history

Call For Papers

Finding Clues to Ancestral Lives
12-14 April 2012
Intercontinental Hotel, 9801 Carnegie Ave, Cleveland, Ohio
The Ohio Genealogical Society is accepting proposals for their 2012 Annual Conference at the Intercontinental Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, 12-14 April, 2012. Deadline for submissions is 30 June 2011. Lectures will be one hour long, including a ten minute question and answer period. Submissions for workshops, especially for Thursday, will be considered. A major new factor in 2012 is the Conference will be expanding to 3 full days instead
of our usual 2 ½ days.

In 2012, OGS will be celebrating the War of 1812 and Civil War Anniversaries. Therefore we are specifically looking for topics relating to these conflicts and connected genealogical research. In addition, proposals are being sought in a variety of areas regarding using history to find clues about our ancestors but also to write family histories. Other topics of interest are beginning genealogy, Ohio-specific topics, states associated with Ohio
(especially New England, New York and Pennsylvania for northeast Ohio), methodology, technology, ethnic topics (especially Eastern European/20th Century), writing/publishing, immigration, preservation, etc. In addition, we are seeking proposals on military resources, business/industrial records, fraternal and service organizations, and proof
standards. Previous speakers are encouraged to submit new or new to the Ohio conference proposals.

Proposals should include the following information:
 Lecture title and concise outline of content
 Short summary (50 words or less) for the program brochure
 Audience level (beginning, intermediate, advanced, all)
 Audio-visual requirements
 Speaker’s full name and contact information, including postal address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
 Speaker’s brief biographical data
 Speaker’s resume of recent lecture experience

Speakers who have not lectured at a state, regional, or national conference are encouraged to submit an audio or video tape of a recent lecture.

Speakers will receive an honorarium, travel expenses, hotel, per diem, and complimentary conference registration. Please note that OGS does not provide computers or LCD projectors to speakers for presentations at the conference. Speakers will be required to submit syllabus material in appropriate format and length and by the stated deadline.

Interested individuals may submit up to 10 proposals. They can be submitted electronically to Subject line: 2012 Conference Proposal. Those speakers using the postal service need to send two copies of each proposal to: 2012 OGS Conference Program Chairs, The Ohio Genealogical Society, 611 SR 97W, Bellville, OH 44813.

Diane VanSkiver Gagel ( and Jana Sloan Broglin (, Program Cochairs, 2012 OGS Conference.

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