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FGS 2012 : Federation of Genealogical Societies 2012 Conference


When Aug 29, 2012 - Sep 1, 2012
Where Birmingham, AL
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2011
Notification Due Sep 1, 2011
Final Version Due May 31, 2012
Categories    genealogy   family history   genealogy societies   genealogical societies

Call For Papers


Deadline for Submissions is 1 June 2011

The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) announces a Call for Papers for the FGS 2012 Conference to be held 29 August – 1 September 2012 in Birmingham, Alabama. The deadline for submission of papers is Wednesday, 1 June 2011.

The annual FGS conference will be held beginning Wednesday, 29 August through Saturday, 1 September 2012 at the Birmingham Convention Center, Birmingham, Alabama. The Sheraton Hotel, conveniently located adjacent to the convention center will be the host hotel. The conference will be held in conjunction with the Alabama Genealogical Society as the local host society. Outstanding nearby research facilities and attractions will enhance the conference experience.

The program committee is accepting a wide range of lecture proposals from interested scholars and researchers for potential presentations at the conference. The format of this conference begins with an all-day “Focus on Societies” program for genealogical society officers, board members, volunteers and other interested parties. This is followed by a three-day genealogical conference in which a variety of topics will be considered, but priority will be given to the following:

- Basic genealogical instruction
- Methodology and problem solving techniques
- Burned courthouse research

Domain Expertise
- International and Ethnic research, particularly German, English, Welsh, Irish, Scots-Irish, French, Italian, Swiss, Slavic African- American, Native American and Jewish
- Military
- Immigration
- Internet resources
- Genetics and family medical history

Focus on Society Management
- Regional Interests
- Five civilized tribes
- Trail of Tears -- 1832
- Southern migration
- Early territorial research

Proposals for paid workshops will also be considered. Presentations may be co-presented or as part of a panel discussion if the topic seems appropriate for this method of presentation.

Speakers receive an honorarium, travel compensation, and conference registration as well as per diem and hotel nights based on the number of lectures presented. Each speaker is limited to presenting a maximum of four lectures, but may submit more proposals for consideration. Additional details about the financial package are available here (

Presentations will be one-hour long, which includes a ten-minute question/answer period. Interested speakers should submit their proposals by 1 June 2011. The following information should be included:

Title of presentation with a detailed but concise, one-page outline

- Brochure summary (150 Characters for description)
- Audience skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
- Audio-Visual requirements (LCD projectors are not provided)
- Format of presentation (PowerPoint, overhead projection, other)
- Biographical data and resume of past lectures within the last three years. Those that have not presented at a regional or national conference before are encouraged to submit recording of a recent presentation.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to, or send two copies to:

Federation of Genealogical Societies
FGS/AGS 2012 Program Chair
PO Box 200940
Austin, TX 78720-0940 USA

The invitations to speakers will be mailed no later than 1 September 2011 and the deadline for syllabus materials for presenters is 31 May 2012.

If necessary, questions may be directed to Dean J. Hunter, AG at

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