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VLDL 2011 : Fourth Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries


When Sep 29, 2011 - Sep 29, 2011
Where Berlin, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 2, 2011
Notification Due Jul 25, 2011
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2011
Categories    digital libraries   data   architectures   models

Call For Papers

******** 2nd of July, 2011 **********
******** CALL FOR PAPERS for VLDL 2011 **********

Fourth Workshop on "Very Large Digital Libraries"


Fourth Workshop on "Very Large Digital Libraries"

"...on the marriage between Very Large Digital Libraries and Very Large Data Archives..."

Berlin, Germany, September 29, 2011
Web site:

In conjunction with TPDL 2011 (

###### Workshop Objectives ######

Today’s information society is confronted with the data deluge issue and is requesting for Digital Libraries that are capable to effectively serve broader and challenging scenarios. Information seekers are willing to have immediate and effective access to human knowledge that – differently from the past – very often is produced and disseminated through heterogeneous sources. Such scenarios call for the development of Very Large Digital Libraries (VLDLs), which are “very large” with respect to various aspects including the number and type of information objects and collections to be made available, the number of users to be served, the number of interoperability issues to be resolved, the number of “systems” to be federated, the number of heterogeneities to be reconciled. Although there is no consensus yet on what a VLDL is, there is a bunch of research issues that comes in tandem with VLDLs and that are worth to be discussed.

Scholarly communication itself has changed a lot during the last years and is today driven by “open access” and “enhanced publications” having datasets (e.g., images, videos, XML/RDF files, Linked Data, web sites, databases, queries, benchmark files) as first class citizens among the research outcomes, on par of papers. The fourth edition of the Workshop will focus on the problems emerging from the marriage of “very-large” Digital Libraries and “very-large” Data Archives, in an attempt to manage, combine and interlink datasets with publications. Such problems include metadata definition, annotations, search, preservation, provenance, metadata aggregation, etc.

###### Workshop topics ######

The fourth edition of the Workshop will focus on the problems emerging from the marriage of “very-large” Digital Libraries and “very-large” Data Archives, in an attempt to manage, combine and interlink datasets with publications. Such problems include metadata definition, annotations, search, preservation, provenance, metadata aggregation, etc. Further topics of this workshop are of interest to, but not limited to, the following research avenues.

Foundational topics

Definitional models, for VLDL content, functionality, users, and policies (ref. DELOS reference model):

* Architectural models for VLDL systems;
* Data models for VLDL content;
* Design methodologies for VLDLs.

System topics
Ideas, experiments and practical experiences in VLDLs design and implementation:

* Constructing VLDLs as integration and federation of existing DLs;
* User management in VLDLs;
* Security issues in VLDLs;
* Sustainability issues in VLDLs;
* Scalability issues in VLDLs;
* Distribution issues for VLDLs;
* Interoperability issues for VLDLs: content and functionalities;
* Managing content in VLDLs: storage, indexing, integration, aggregation, preservation, manipulation, and others.

###### Important Dates ######

Research paper submission: June 25th, 2011 - EXTENDED to July 2nd, 2011
Notification of acceptance: July 25th, 2011
Camera ready version: August 31st, 2011

###### Paper Submission ######

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers in the field of Very Large Digital Libraries. Submitted manuscripts will have to be in PDF, limited to 8 pages, written in english and following the guidelines for the LNCS format provided by Springer (

Submitted papers will have to explicitly motivate the relation between the research results they present and the very large digital library issues they intend to address.

Papers submitted to the workshop will undergo a peer-review process by Program Committee members. To be published on the proceedings, accepted contributions should be revised according to the reviews and at least one author is required to register and present the paper at the workshop.

Proceedings, including abstracts from the invited speakers and the revised papers, will become a publication (ISBN-ISSN, publisher to be chosen).

Research papers must be submitted via the workshop submission system, available at:

###### Workshop Organisers ######

- Leonardo Candela, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy
- Yannis Ioannidis, Department of Informatics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece;
- Paolo Manghi, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy;

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